Hi, my name is Don. I don't want to be an ant.Saw this video and thought it was interesting. Very impressive transformation. Eve does great work.I am a writer. Since I retired my racing magazine, I have written two books that I self published on lulu. I just released Because, That's What They Want You To Think on Lulu and published my fantasy role playing game rule book on Lulu before that. I am working on a fantasy romance novel called Babydoll now. I spent a little time last year working on rules for a basic (rules lite) fantasy role playing game called Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl, and you can find my blog from blogger if you yahoo or google search it. I got to go to Gencon Indy for the first time last year and did a series of articles about it on my game blog. I'm a dreamer. I practice Lucid Dreaming, which is knowing you are dreaming while you dream and experiening the dream like you were awake. I don't like to sit around dreaming and writing all the time, though. I do like to take walks and get out and see the world. Don't let the world pass you by, because it will if you're not paying attention. I enjoy discussing subjects about the world and the universe in general and what's really going on. I enjoy conversations with people who know and really care about what they are talking about. I'm looking for love. I'm interested in dating and having a serious relationship. It's not just a sex thing with me. I want friendship. I'm interested in meeting transsexual women and getting to know them. I'm looking for a girl who will take me out on the dance floor and show me what it's all about.A Teaser Trailer for the book I'm writing called Babydoll.Babydoll Teaser
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I want to meet anybody who is nice and honest. My friends hear at MySpace. It's friendship that really matters in this world. Beauty is on the inside, so be yourself and be proud of who you are. I want to meet Miss Dealilah "Vaniity" Kotero. Sweet, sweet Vaniity. I think I'm in love. I'm probably foolish to feel this way, but I really don't care right now. I like the way I feel when I think about her.Here's a little rap you might enjoy. I know I did.Funny that when I look at her, I really see Dealilah the person, not Vaniity the sex symbol.All you need is Vaniity, she's good for you :)Maybe I'll meet up with her in a Lucid Dream. Here's a clip from Waking Life about Lucid Dreaming.Another clip from Waking Life about Lucid Dreaming. This is an intersting movie that really covers a lot of subjects.Waking Life isn't just about Lucid Dreaming. There's more to this movie than that. Meet Self Destructive Man.Meet Alex Jones. He has a few things to say.
Videos Of The Moment. Been in the mood for Swing Out Sister lately. Good music and I Just love her look.My friend Meghan is making some good music that is available online. Check it out here:I like music. Progressive Rock is probably my favorite, but I'll listen to Classic Rock, Rap, Soul, Country, Disco and Classical. I have many different types of music in my collection, but I probably could stand to update it more. Five of my favorites from my collection, in no particular order. Spocks Beard (When Neal Morse was with this band, they kicked butt), Kansas (The best band that will never be in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame), Queen (Freddie Mercury is the geatest Rock & Roll lead siner of all times. If I'm sad, put some Queen on and it will cheer me up), Styx (Critics hated them, but critics don't sell records, do they? When Dennis DeYoung was with the band, they were the best), Neal Morse (Like Kerry Livgren of Kansas, Neal found God and left the band. He took the Spocks Beard sound with him and I still dig his music), Transatlantic, The Flower Kings, Echolyn and Ayreon (Four progressive rock bands I like). My collection could probably use a touch of current music. I am constantly watching VH1 and checking out the latest acts. I never want to be a guy who says, music sucks now. Why, back in my day... MySpace has been good for my music listening experience because I have discovered some cool new music that I enjoy. I can dance here in my room and practice for when I get out on the dance floor.
Here's one you probably never heard of, but I always liked it. Rocky Horror gets all the love I guess.Comedies, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Drama. I like anything that can keep me focussed on the screen. I love the whole movie going experience. I need to go out and take in a good movie. There's nothing like going to a movie and forgetting the world outside as you get drawn up there with the characters on the screen. Five movies I have enjoyed, in no particular order. The Lord of the Rings (The books are better, but the movies were amazing), Selena (Watched this one five times the day I saw it. What a beautuful human being she was. Anything for Selenas), Star Trek (Yeah, I'm a Trekker), Fried Green Tomatoes (Didn't think I'd like this one, but it moved me. Mary Stuart Masterson did a great job in this movie), What Dreams May Come (Good movie. A love story that make you think. Would you go to hell to be with the one you love). I've enjoyed many movies, and it's hard to pick a favorite. I like comedies, but lately they seem to be too over the top for my tastes. I do like old Steve Martin movies (like Roxanne, All Of Me, The Man With Two Brains, The Jerk, The Lonely Guy), The Airplane Movies and Top Secret and Mel Brooks movies. I like to laugh. I like to cry. I like to be moved by what I see on the screen. They say men aren't supposed to cry, but I don't care. Feel the way you feel and don't censor yourself. You'll be much happier that way.
Nowhere Man. The series end before it really got started.As with the movies, I like Comedies, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Drama. Not a big fan of reality television, though I have watched The Surrel Life on VH1. Five shows I enjoy, in no particular order. I like cartoons like The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy and The Boondocks (Homer is one of my favorite characters because he makes me laugh and he will always try to do the right thing when he know shis family needs him. Peter Griffin is just the opposite, but I watch Family Guys because it make me laugh hard on occasion), Star Trek (Love all the series and want a new one set on The Enterprise after The Next Generation), Monk (I dig Adrian Monk. One of the more interesting characters on TV, and OCD can be a bitch), Nowhere Man, Journeyman, Sliders and Quantum Leap (That's four dealing in similar topics, but the first two were cancelled way before their time), Two and a Half Men (Didn't think I'd like this show, but I am digging it lately), Professional Wrestling (Yeah, I watch it. Not enjoying WWE that much lately, but I do like TNA).
Lord Of The Rings. A good read if you haven't vchecked it out. Here's a Lord Of The Rings humor.I've read a few, mostly fantasy. Tolkien is one of my favorites. Most of the time, the movies can't do justice to the books, though there are some good attempts. I read Roots after seeing the mini series, and the book would make good required reading in high school. Five books I have enjoyed, in no particular order. The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales by J.R.R. Tolkien (They can be a diffcult read at times, but worth the effort), The Xanth Series by Piers Anthony (I have the first ten books in the series and enjoyed them all), The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (Read this back in 7th Grade), Roots, The Monuments Of Mars by Richard C. Hoagland (I enjoy Coast To Coast AM when Richard is a guest. He's interesting and he makes you think about what's going on in the world and universe in general), Exploring The World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge (The book to get if you are inerested in Lucid Dreaming) and Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are by Bob Frissell (Heard him on Coast To Coast and bought the book. Intersting read). Hey, that's more than five. Do Dungeons & Dragons books count? I used to play Basic D&D back in the day and still have the books. Should I admit that? I've looked at the game recently, but it's too rules heavy for my tastes.
Freddie Mercury. I admire him for the way he lived his life proud and unashamed of who he was. I admire him for the way he entertained millions of people with his music. I admire him for his courage to keep on fighting until the end. If you've never heard Queen's album Innuendo, you should get it.Freddie also had a good sense of humor and was known to throw some wild parties. Wish I could have went to one of them.I love the music from all eras of the band, but the early stuff is my favorite.My dad is my hero for so many reasons. I owe a lot to him. He made so many of the good things I've had in life possible. My sister, who passed away in 2005. I love you Jackie. Jesus (I debate the whole Christianity thing at times, but sometimes I think the world needs Him to return for us to ever move beyond where we spiritualy are now). People who are brave enough to live life the way they were born to without worrying about what others think. I hate the way the world can make people censor themselves when those people aren't hurting anybody.
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrifice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.
What's Your Love Style?
Your Psyche is Violet
You are spiritual, intuitive, and serene.
People trust you to rescue them from bad situations, and you usually come through.
While you are quite enlightened, you find that your path is very lonely.
When you are too violet: you can't connect to ordinary life or ordinary people
When you don't have enough violet: you lack wisdom and can't learn from the past
What Color Is Your Psyche?
You Have Low Self Esteem 56% of the Time
While you sometimes feel good about yourself, you tend to struggle a little with self esteem issues.
It's not about changing who you are, it's about accepting your faults. You just need to be less critical and demanding of yourself!
How is Your Self Esteem?
You Are 79% Feminine, 21% Masculine
You are in touch with your feminine side.
Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you.
And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women.
Are You Masculine or Feminine?