Zara.......x x x profile picture

Zara.......x x x

Addicted to Myspace.......And what????

About Me

About me......Where do I start?? I was born and raised in good old sunny Leeds and spent most of my childhood there, I unfortunately lost my mum to cancer on xmas eve 95 and my mum always taught me to be a free spirit, since I was old enough to travel on my own I very much have, I lived a short while in Tenerife when I was 17 and got the feel for travelling, since then I have been to Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Laos, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, New York, most of Europe and I got a lot more to add on in the next few years, I have been living in London (in between travelling) for over 3 years now and I have had a great time, I have met some amazing people however I still have my good old northern buddies know who you are!!! I have ever since I can remember been facinated with bikes. I first got on a bike when I was about 8 then and ever since I have been hooked, I got my 1st R6 back in 2003 and I can now pretty much ride I am still in the process of learning stunts and I am hoping to master them before next years Urban Bike Fest!!! I would just like to give a big shout to all my boys over at Supreme Riders... You know who you are...... I am currently in the process of moving back over to the Philippines where I am going to base myself for at least until next summer and from there.....only God knows!! Z x Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0 .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Shopping Motorbikes Shopping Motorbikes Shopping Motorbikes and in between I also love travelling! I also enjoy chillin with my buddies and doing my thing with Supreme Riders Check out some of their events below.... For more info go to URBAN BIKE FEST 2005 ..

I'd like to meet:

My beautiful lil nephewIf you were to buy me, it would cost you $946,819.48! What are you worth? Find Out Here


I am just beggining to get into the underground house scene (thanks Georgia girl) I also like funky house, bit of RnB and Hip Hop The 80's (yeah, I know kinda sad)


My sisters......MY LIFE!!


Sex and the city, friends, enders, simpsons!


Damage done


My Mum (R.I.P)