Finding a way to live without trouble or dramatic outside influence.
Why the hell are two grown men still calling themselves Joe Dick and Billy Tallent? When they gave themselves those names they were 16... 17. The question is, when do they stop using them? Forty? Fifty? Sixty? You wonder if they remember their real names. Joe Mulgrew. Bill Boisy. Then there's Pipe... can't even remember his real name. I used to want a punk handle too... just couldn't find one that fit. It was always John. John. John Oxenberger. John. John. John, the bass player. John from Hard Core Logo. Maybe I never had a real self to throw away like those guys.
I like the same movies you do. And a lot of movies you don't.
Lost, The Deadliest Catch, Family Guy, ATHF, Squidbillies, The Simpsons, The Sopranos, Trailer Park Boys, Dirty Jobs, Myth Busters, Ax Men, Top Gear.
Thompson, Bukowski, Palahnuik, CoppensCheck Your Date @