My Kids, Fast cars, Fast bikes, Big trucks, Tattoos, Art, Welding, Metal Working, Playing in the woods doin' 50mph down a 4 foot wide trail, Photography, Video editing, and various other shite.
Comedy, Action, Some Drama, Phsychological twisters, Documentaries(except the crap Michael Moore puts out) and Quentin Tarentino! Don't like going to the movies, would much rather watch at home where it's comfortable, my feet don't stick to the floor and I can smoke when ever I want!
Speed, OLN, ESPN only if there is racing on, History, Discovery, Comedy Central, Cartoon network, FOX news
Not much for reading. Can't find anything to hold my interest long enough. I usually fall asleep two pages into it.
The men and women protecting our country, past, present, and future. Most of all the ones that never made it back.