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Electric Tattoo

About Me

Electric Tattoo 314 Main St. Bradley Beach NJ 07720 732-988-8882 www.electrictattoonj.comTattoo shop owned and operated by Robert Ryan, Tom Yak, and Mike Schweigert.

My Interests

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We offer an entire shop of original hand painted tattoo designs by Cap Coleman, Sailor Jerry Collins, Paul Rogers, Bob Shaw, Ed Hardy, Zeke Owen, Mike Malone, Tony Polito, Sailor Eddie, Daniel Higgs, Scott Harrison, Ernie Carafa, Lenny Webber, Tom Yak, Mike Schweigert, Robert Ryan, Rich Heller, and many more.

My Blog

Living through ghosts

This month it is down to the wire. Myself, Mike Schweigert, and Tom Yak had decided upon a location for a new tattoo shop last year. We chose a modest size spot in the downtown area of Bradley Beach...
Posted by electric on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 05:32:00 PST