Native American and Taino Indian folklore. I love the Ocean as well as the Hot Desert. I enjoy the outdoors but not in the winters. Love to swim, hike, camp out pioneer style! Luv to rough it. Just use what nature provides.
I enjoy-smooth jazz, latin jazz, salsa, boleros, all diff types of latin music, american oldies 40's--60's , Cosmic and New Era.
Love Romance, Thrillers, Musicals,and Comedy movies.
Love my spanish Soapies!!
I have plenty of them, they look great on my shelves, but never finish reading them--I always fall asleep after the first few pages!
Best heroes are-my son Rudy and wife Shirley who both went to Iraq, fought for us and returned safely home! Luv ya guys! Others- all our police and firemen who lost their lifes on 911. Bless u all! Peace!