Trooper 5118 profile picture

Trooper 5118

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a member of the 501st Legion - International Star Wars Costuming Organization. I'm assigned to the Terror Australis Garrison .

I'm a Clonetrooper & now a Biker Scout and a Jango Fett (which is being slowly put together & built over time). Hopefully I'll get my BARC Trooper armor sorted out as well (Old School Biker Scouts from Episode 3 for you non-Star Wars fans)

I'm also part of an Australian Based Star Wars Costuming group called "Novus Ordo" (Latin for "New Order").

As for myself, What's there to say? I used to live in New York City, and now I'm living in Australia, ain't that the greatest adventure ever?

Sure, plenty of Americans say "I'd like to visit Australia one day" but do they ever make the effort to GO THERE? Hehe

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Honestly, I don't know who else I'd like to meet.

Perhaps meet myself from another life, and if his life is better than mine, bump myself off and take over, hehe.

I've met quite alot of Movie & TV Stars & Political figures already.

I haven't met any aliens yet, but I guess that would be interesting, as long as they keep their anal probes to themselves.

My Blog

Execute Order 66

I decided to delete all my previous blogs today and start fresh.Mission: Getting my life sorted out.Status: Slowly getting there somehow, still more sorting out to be done. Short, isn't it.
Posted by on Tue, 23 May 2006 19:00:00 GMT