Computers, Martial Arts - Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan , Music, Dancing, Movies, Theater, Working Out
Now who do I want? No one unless your Elijah Wood, Justin Timberlake, Tom Welling. LOL! No, really I just want to make some new friends. Find people to chat with online or off. Be real and true to yourself and others!!!! Not looking for anyone or anything outside of chat and maybe friends. "Do real relationships exist anymore?" Not when you and others do nothing but make excuses for them not to. Not when you don't take the chance to experience them. Not when so many people allow their fears to run their lives. I've found that I'm the only one that's going to stand beside me through life and I've excepted that. Too many men are confused about what they want and/or how to get it. Too many have major commitment issues and would rather live their lives alone then to try and face those fears. I've come to learn we make life and relationships a lot harder then they have to be. People need to learn to let go and just let nature run it's course. Even if you don't end up spending the rest of your life with that person you will at least have learned something from it and gained something. You only have one life to live and one life in which to experience all this world has to offer so to live that life never leaving the sidewalk in fear of the things you may see or run into means you haven't lived much of a life at all. Sometimes it's best to just jump off the side walk and run. Allow your mind, body, soul, and your heart to be free. A man who has lived a full life and never tasted new things, traveled to far away places, danced, opened his eyes and ears to new sites and sounds, or really felt what it was like to be head over hills in love and have someone be head over hills in love with him hasn't lived at all. The only thing he has done is what ever he had to do to make it through life. When that man is old and lonely, he has few friends around him, his family has either died or has families of their own, he has no partner, and he can't even sit and reminisce about the good times of the past he has only himself to blame. The only thing he'll be able to do is say "what if I had...?" What kind of life is that? Who honestly wants that life? I may, and probably will, end up alone but at least I'll know I was one of the ones that tried and there wont be any "what if I had?"
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Techno, Trance, House, Top 40, Progressive Trance, Progressive House Music Video: BEAUTIFUL LIAR FEAT. SHAKIRA (by Beyonce)
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