Das, Das Einzige Myke profile picture

Das, Das Einzige Myke

I am not a figment of your collective diseased imagination!

About Me

Full Name: Myke Munson Nicknames: Hum.... Age: 26 Birthday: April 24th 1982 Birth Place: Tampa, FL Current Location: Orlando, FL Gender: Male Sexuality: BI , Mostly Gay Nationality: German & Italian Appearance: Clean Cut Hair color: Brown & blond Eye color: Brown Height: 5'7 Weight: 140 Shoe size: 8 Glasses: I do not need them 'Yet' Contacts: Only to change my eye color Braces: Never Retainer: Nope Skinny..Normal..Fat: Toned & working on getting more muscle mass
Family Parents Names: Debora & Barry Parents Ages: 46 & 47 Siblings: 2 Sisters Siblings Names: Debra & Tiffany Siblings Ages: 29 & 20 Pets: I have 2 Puppies ( Gup (Pug) & Beamers (Jack Russel)& A huge pond full of gold fish
My Favorites Food: Alaskan King Crab Legs Number: 13 Color: Chrome Store: Gucci Movie: A walk to remember TV Show: LOL, Farmer wants a wife TV Channel: The Discovery Channel Sport: Baseball Radio Station: Satellite Radio, Channel 36 Restaurant: The Patio Drink (non-alcoholic): Red Bull, It's in my veins Drink (alcoholic): Extra Dirty Grey Goose Martini With 3 Olives Quote: If I had my life to live over... I'd dare to make more mistakes next time. Magazine: Wired Holiday: Christmas Song: Josh Groban, Remember when it rained Flower: Lilies Animal: My Pug Season: Winter Month: December Day: Saturday Past time: Traveling
Friends ( Oh This Might Get Me In Trouble ) Whos your best friend: Robert & Lane & Vik & Debra & Andrew Other close friends: Greg, Jose, Scott, Keith, Tiffany, Winston, Paul, Jacob, CJ, Nicole, Marc, Marcello, Amy, Rick, Deck, Craig, Daniel, Matt, William, James, Chris, Rocky, Jason, Anthony, Andrew , John Whos the nicest?: Greg Meanest?: CJ ;-) Prettiest?: Debra & Tiffany & Nicole Loudest?: Viktor Shyest?: Marcello Dumbest?: No Comment Smartest?: Andrew Craziest?: Paul Tallest?: Matt Shortest?: Amy Oldest?: No Comment Youngest?: Keith Annoying?: None of my friends are Annoying Boring?: None of my friends are boring Funny?: Daniel ( Hands Down ) Most outgoing?: Winston Most obnoxious?: No Comment Most photogenic?: Jacob & Keith Biggest flirt?: John Best all around?: Andrew Best hair?: Nicole Most likely to suceed?: Best smile?: Tiffany Hottest?: Duh Me! Nicest?: Greg Richest?: No Comment ( I don't think they would like to be called out ) Best Parents?: I would guess everyone of my friends has amazing parents because everyone of my friends are amazing people!
chool Stuff What was the name of your elementary school?:McInnis Elementary School What was the name of your middle school?: Deland Middle School Whats the name of your high school?: Deland High School What are your school colors?: Green & Gold Whats your mascot?: Bulldog What year do you graduate?: 2000 Favorite teacher: Ms. Vue Favorite class: Physics Favorite subject: Physics
Love Life Have you ever been in love?: Yes Do you believe in love at first site?: Yes Is there someone out there for everyone?: Yes Have you ever been kissed?: Yes Have you ever cheated on someone?: Yes :-( Has someone ever cheated on you?: Yes :-( Who was your first girlfriend/boyfriend?: Julia Cocco Who was your first kiss?: Julia Cocco
This or ThatPepsi/Coke: While I love both, I prefer Diet Coke Plus Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla McDonalds/Burger King: I do not eat fast food Fruits/Vegetables: Vegetables any day Whip Cream/Cool Whip: Whip Cream because its easier to put on someones body. N*Sync/Backstreet Boys: Backstreet Boys Brittney/Christina: It's Brittney Bitch The Veronicas/Spice Girls: Spice Girls The OC/Laguna Beach: None Desperate Housewives/Grey's Anatomy: Desperate Housewives Real World/Road Rules: Real World MTV/VH1: MTV Summer/Winter: Winter Fall/Spring: Fall Justin Timberlake/Nick Lachey: Nick Lachey Hot Tea/Ice Tea: Hot Tea Loaf n Jug Coffee/Starbucks: Starbucks Hollister/Abercrombie: Hollister Nike/Adidas: Nike Watching Sports/ Playing Sports: Playing Sports Chanel/Louis Vuitton: Louis Vuitton
Have you ever.... Danced in the rain?: Yes Sang in the shower?: All the time! Had sex?: Hum, Yes Drank?: Yes Smoked?: Yes Done drugs?: Yes Cursed infront of your parents?:Yes Liked someone who didn't like you back?: Yes Been out of the country?: Yes Talked on the phone for more than 3 hours?: Yes Attempted suicide?: NO Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes Ditched class?: Yes Cried over a boy?: Yes I have many times. Lost a friend?: Yes I Love You Doug! Lost a family member?: Yes my Aunt Gloria ! I love you ! Cried so much you got dehydrated?: I am not sure but I must have at one time in my life Danced around the house in your underwear?: Yes or Naked! Been out of state?: Yes Bought something too expensive?: Yes my TechnoMarine Diamond Watch Been on a date?: Yes Seen a rainbow?: I see lots of rainbows Wished on a falling star?: Yes Won an award?: Yes Disappointed your parents?: I think everyone does at least once Been on stage?: I am on stage regularly! Danced in front of a lot of people?: Yes
Do You....Eat when you're bored?: No I tend to watch what I eat! Get attached to a boy/girl easily?: It depends on the person and the situation Have blond moments?: All The Time Drink?: Yes Smoke?: No Party?: Monday night to the club Tuesday night to the club Wednesday night to the club...lol Think you're better than everyone?:No I am a very humble person. Sing into a hairbrush in front of the mirror?: No I tend to use my toothbrush Pretend to be someone your not?: I did and then I revised that I am the best person for me. Make wishes?: I tend to wish and try to make them come true, I believe that every wish can come true if you believe in yourself and do what it takes, no matter how hard it is. Keep promises?: I do my best to keep promises but sometimes life throws me curve balls and I can't keep them. Cry a lot?: no Wish you had a better life?: My Life is mine, I am happy with it. Watch TV too much?: No I have 3 shows I watch and thats it. Want to go to college?: I am in college Want to get married?: Yes, I want a white wedding! :-) Want to have kids?: I want 2 kids Want to be famous?: I already am! :-)
Random QuestionsDo you believe in Santa?: Baby I am Santa, Now sit on my lap! Do you like to cuddle?: All the time, I am a cuddlier Have you met a celebrity?: Yes, I have meet a few If so, who?: Britney Spears, Nick Lachey, Ricky Martin, Maddona, Donna Summers, Amber, and a few others. Who is your role model?: Dr. Martin Luther King Have you almost died?: Yes How?: I had a head on collision with a dump truck Can you drive?: Yes What kind of car do you want/have?: Mini Cooper Sport Convertible , BMW M3 Convertible, Land Rover Defender 90 Convertible Do you think you're attractive?: Yes Are you still a kid at heart?: Sometimes Do you pay attention in class?: Yes, I want to stay on the honors society Has one of your wishes came true?: Yes Do you wish on falling stars?: Yes Do you know how to play poker?: Yes, Are you good at it?:I run the table Bitoches! What are your weaknesses?: Love What is your pet peeve?: Talking Loud What are your fears?: I don't want to die yet Whats one wish you could make?: The the world would find another energy source besides oil. What annoys you?: Chewing with your mouth open, Not using blinkers, talking loud, bible thumpers, cross walk laws ect... If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?: I would love to be more understanding.
Are you... Spoiled: Yes Rich: Yes, In many ways Poor: No Annoying: No Funny: Yes, I am so funny I crack myself up Smart: I believe I am smart A Liar: No Dumb: No Blonde (at heart): Always and forever Honest: I tend to be as honest as I can, There are some times that I must withhold the truth to protect my friends and family. Loyal: I can see myself as being loyal Gangster: Oh God No Preppy: I am somewhat preppy yes! Goth: No Emo: No Stuck-Up: No
The Last.. Person who called you: James Person you called: Andrew Person you talked to: James Thing you said: I said I'm busy doing a myspace survey, Ill call you back. Person you saw: Andrew Person who texted you: David Person you texted: David Thing you did: Filled out this survey Person you IMed: Rockey

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I am going to have to write somthing here! I am workink on it!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


You could be mine, The taste of your skin rolling Gliding over my senses. Erotic fantasies flashing over In my mind, to let me know how Much they don't compare to you.I can almost feel the soft press of Your body, warm, firm, molding with Mine to form a perfect being. Nimble fingers and hands working Their spell over my desires.We could be one, you know that, We could become trapped in our Fancies staying tied down in our Own little play world held back by A thirst that can't be quenched.I could be yours, wrapped in clear Blanket on display for your amusement To show everyone the catch you've made The servant you're found, the lover you choose.We could be ours.



You Have A Type A Personality
You are hyper, energetic, and always on the mood
You tend to succeed at everything you attempt
And if you don't succeed at first, you quickly climb your way to the top!

You could be called a workaholic, but you also make time for fun
As long as it's high energy and competitive, you're interested
You have the perfect personality for business and atheltic success What Can I Say It's Just Me!



Name: Myke
Birthday: 04/24/1982
Birthplace: Tampa FL
Current Location: Airport
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Height: 5'7
Right Handed or Left Handed: Both
Your Heritage: German & Italian
The Shoes You Wore Today: My White Nikes
Your Weakness: Romance
Your Fears: Death
Your Perfect Pizza: Garlic Pesto Chicken & Shrimp
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Open A Dental Supply Company
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: OMFG
Thoughts First Waking Up: Good Morning Myke !
Your Best Physical Feature: My Face Or Body!
Your Bedtime: When I am Done Working!
Your Most Missed Memory: Being Loved!
Pepsi or Coke: Moutain Dew Bitches Moutain Dew
MacDonalds or Burger King: Ew!
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: have you heard of white tea?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: Peppermint Vanilla Chai Tea With Four Shots Please
Do you Smoke: When I am Stressed
Do you Swear: Fuck Yeah Dont Tell My Mom!
Do you Sing: Of Course But When I Do People Leave
Do you Shower Daily: Four Times A Day
Have you Been in Love: Yes I Still Hurt
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My Blog

One Thing !

If you could have the power to change one thing, just one thing in the world to make it a better place, what would it be? How would you do it? Why do you want to? What impact would it have and on...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:32:00 PST


Shade me with your laughterTopics spiced with profanities.Flavored with conformity.Take a bite, let it melt on your tongueNotice the sweet taste of acceptanceFollowed by the sharp dagger of expectatio...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Sun, 11 May 2008 04:32:00 PST

What If ?

Jolted out of sleep in to the obscurity of night Intense waves of heat conquer me, reminiscent of smoldering in hell Panic pours from my body into the collection that formed along my corpse Unknown...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:57:00 PST


Some people in time discover a love that unlocks a force more powerful than a raging sea, yet as soft and as gentle as a whisper.my sadness is that when i found that love-that force, it was obliged t...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:45:00 PST

Forbidden Love

How do I describe this feeling Pure ecstasy, blissful, sereneThe experience of floating awayAway to another plain with youFar away where we are aloneJust the two of us in paradise.Giving so much, one ...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 04:03:00 PST

Meet me in the stars

As I am saying good night at the end of the day, And you are not here, but many miles away, My heart is so empty and so lonely inside, As I wipe away a tear I am trying to hide. I cl...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 09:44:00 PST

I want you

I want to be your companionand walk hand in hand,your strength enveloping mine.Autumn leaves falling,scuffing feet and laughter,sharing nights, not finished by the dark.I want to be your confidantas y...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 01:16:00 PST

The Angels Cry

There is always a calmness before the stormThe clouds are all darkened as they formThundering skies echo across the landUntold signs are washed from the sandIt becomes all quiet and not a sound is hea...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Wed, 30 May 2007 11:25:00 PST


Thank you for the memoriesOf a love that's less than truefor the lessons learned were plentyand the happy times were few.And I thank you for your support,the support you would never givewhen I needed ...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:50:00 PST

A New Life

Today I awaken, again with fright, It's so that I can't tell if it's day or night. I'm cold and wet, whimpering in pain, Not bothering to bark out loud, for I know it's in vain. I wonder if today is t...
Posted by Das, Das Einzige Myke on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:07:00 PST