I am a 29 year old web developer/ record store manager . I sell records at Butter Beats , an independent underground record store in Brisbane, Australia (we now have two stores) . I operate a web design business called Oxygen Kiosk .
I write about a whole range of stuff to do with music and web design and development at my blog .
I also really like to help companies with their websites. I like to make all my sites run in crispy clean XHTML an CSS. If you are looking for help in your next web project then leave me a comment (or a mail!).
I have a son named Oscar who is the coolest guy I know (he is 3).
I used to be in a band called OK Sushi - we played at various dance parties in Brisbane from about 98 to 02.
..'s face it - if you have ever looked under the hood of a MySpace page all you see is gunk. To learn how to make sense of the shite, visit Mike Industries .
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