R.KING REDEMPTION, born in the "notorious 90's section" of brooklyn {ny}
by teenage jamaican parents in the early 1980's.In his own words, he speaks..
blessed love my people!
this is R*King*Redemption*
Representing tHe MaRcUs GaRvEy RevOlUtiOnArY GaURdS.WeLL i am fr0m, Mommy and DAddY!! so Give Thanks for the balance.My mission is simply to UPLIFT & UNIFY MY BLACK NATION {with truth, justice, love, and Righteousness}. I Am BLESSED to have been given a mUSiCal TaLeNt which allows me to express my views,share my experiences, and to show my internal growth as a YoUng BLacK MAN in this modern society.DAY BY DAY, I simply ask The All MIghTy Creator or (universe) to use I & I as a "veSSeL" to carry out thE task of "SALVATION".
Salvation, in my opinion and observation, Represents the stillness of one's mind, temple(body) & soul!!!
So...for me, my mUsIc is A "Responsibility" that i must honor truthfully and with respect for our ancestor's, elder's, peer's, and the young. "R*KING*REDEMPTION, is a SALVATION WARRIOR for the black people on this earth"!!!!(with noapalogy)here's a quote!
"A still tounge Keep's A steady Mind." In my words, (that Means, embrace your "higher" and "inner self", for their the living GOD ruleth) KING SELASSIE I LIVETH for I-VER(JAH is Within us All. ThaTs WhY I AM -THe I AM)selahuntill we meet again,
RastfarI Loveps. "my music shall speak for it self, so listen well."
penscrollah aka
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