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lucretia claire

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

it's all true.

My Interests

playing/writing/listening to music. all the music. travelling/randomly skipping town. getting lost on purpose. philosophy. politics. 3 dimensional art. feminism. european history. vegetarian cooking. reading and writing fiction/poetry. chess. being a card shark. sucking at pool. street performing. hiking. salsa dancing. laughing at strangers. compulsively listening to NPR. occasional british television. quitting smoking. smoking. replacing sleep with coffee. inexorable curiosity. comedy. storytelling. dreaming. disappearing. resurfacing...

I'd like to meet:

The Spanish Harlem Orchestra, The Swede, The Spamsters that keep stalking me (so i can trounce them).


Tom Waits, Thelonius Monk, The Books, Bela Bartok, Sonic Youth, Beirut, Nick Drake, Chopin, Ellington, Jobim, Chet Baker, The Pixies, Andrew Bird, Lee Morgan, Rufus Wainwright, Nina Nastasia, Leonard Cohen, Ween, The Slits, Tom Verlaine, Bessie Smith, Coltrane, Horace Silver, Brazil 66, Blondie, Throwing Muses, The Bad Plus, Billie Holiday, Mason Jennings, Marvin Gaye, David Bowie, Velvet Underground, The Raincoats... Superfurry Animals, The Moldy Peaches, Regina Spektor, Animal Collective, Silver Jews, Sea and Cake, Halo Benders, Jordan O' Jordan, Pavement, Guided By Voices, Television...


Night on Earth, Songs from the Second Floor, The Big Lebowski, Harold and Maude, Life Aquatic, Scotland P.A., Time Bandits, Good Night and Good Luck, Metropolis, Dr. Strangelove, All About Eve, My Own Private Idaho, Cool Hand Luke, The Killers, North by Northwest, Down by Law, Brazil, Spies, Rich and Strange, Lost in Translation, Andre Rublev....Pretty Much anything by Hitchcock, Jim Jarmusch, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Cohen Brothers, Fritz Lang...


Dostoevsky. Anything and everything by Kurt Vonnegut (Especially Breakfast of Champions and Slaughterhouse Five). Lots of Nabokov (Pnin and Invitation to a Beheading in particular), The Shipping News (Proulx), The Corrections (Franzen), Everything Augusten Burroughs has written thus far, A Confederacy of Dunces (John Kennedy Toole), so many other writers... Albert Camus, Franz Kafka, Flannery O'Connor, Anne Tyler, Dave Eggers, Tom Perotta, David Sedaris, Toni Morrison, John Steinbeck, Upton Sinclair. Sylvia Plath, Allen Ginsburg, Dylan Thomas, Billy Collins, Ezra Pound. Eugene O'Neill, Samuel Beckett, Anton Chekov, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller. Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, David Hume, Simone De Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Mary Daly.


Kim Gordon, Kim Deal, Kimya Dawson.