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***SymboliZe Rebirth....Always Rises from the AsheS***
I'M LUCKY 2 B ALIVE....AND WALKIN! even thou w/
difficulties & limitations! Is All GraVy BaBy!!!
Hi WORLD! I WANT it to share my story.....at least in short words....as a motivation of how much U can push yourself.
Well...yeah!...it was Hell!
____At the time, i was athletic, suddenly wakin up a Vegetable....WaO'!!!! WAT THAT FUCK HAPPENED??? Then - 2 tell u...it was because of some STUPID ASSHOLE DriVin UndeR de Influence ****DRUNK and RACIN**** (FucKeR!) _____________Anyway - just take my story as an example of how much accomplishment and how far u can push Ur limits! I'm not sayin it wasn't easy CAUSE IT WASN'T....BELIEVE ME!!! Cases like this U HAVE TO WORK TWICE (or more) THE HARDEST for anythin in Ur LiFe!!! *And - i did it BY-MY-SELF! People turn out to clean their hands and not deal w/ it...that's why they turn their backs on me... IGNORANCE!!!!! I woudn't do da' 2 u! In Fact I ALWAYS BE ON UR SIDE NO MATTER WAT! __________I RECEIVED NO MOTIVATION FROM NO-ONE! Only me and of course GOD....MY SAVIOR!!! Which i got to THANKS cause he gave me another chance. That's why i see Life different now. In a sense...i appreciate things and look for solutions. No matter how worse they are. I put my mind to it....did the reseach and here i am.
_____________YEAH!!!! Still hirts every second of my life, my body still feelin sooooo uncontable, there million of differents types of pain and disconfort, my body gets numb or really tired, I MEAN U GUYS DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!! But like i said.....GoD and Jesus R there 4 me every step of the way giving me Strenght! AnD TRUST ME THEY DID!!!!
___________________I'm not tryin 2 Preach U....I Ain't No Pastor. Just Tryin to tell U ""U CAN DO IT""!!! Find The Way....NEVER GIVE UP!!! BRAKE BAD HABITS....BUILD HEALTHY ONES....LOOK FOR UNDERSTANDIN--SO U CAN MAKE UR DREAMS COME TRUE....DO UR RESEARCH. Either Spiritually or Mentally or for UR Body, UR Health, 4 Business, Career, 4 Family, etc.etc.etc. I mean in General...Do good research...make a schedule. The body and mind needs only two or three dedicated months to build any type of healthy habbits...then the body and mind get used to it.
U have a big example here! ("* ME *") YES...U CAN CHANGE, IS UP TO U HOW MUCH U WANT IT AND HOW WILLING U R TO DO IT!!!!
Just a good thought...use it or leave it...don't take it personal! I STILL LuV U.......WORLD!!!!
I still got 2 do another surgery...to remove the metal (cause is causing ALL the PaiN) i guess
putin somethin plastic or somehtin else or mayabe nothin! Wish me Good Luck! xoxoxo TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF....AND DON'T DRIVE DRUNK,PLEASE!!!!
PLeaSe I'm not doing this 4 U 2 feel sorry 4 me. I don't need that!!!! With UR MoTiVaTioN is Enough!!! (((My story is just an example of AcComplishment in the worst case sCenario!)))
***Everything is Everything***