Burning tongues, tasting great, staining shirts, destroying napkins, causing acid indigestion and various types of ulcers, hanging out with BC and Celery, spawning immitators and laughing at their ineptitude, tailgating at Bills games, hanging at the bar with friends
A Mild, Medium, Hot, or Suicidal lady with some nice legs or thighs
Wing Han Tsang, Winger, Blues Brothers, Cluck-Cluck dance, Every Time I Die, Goo Goo Dolls, Snapcase, Rick James
Buffalo 66, Bruce Almighty, The Natural, The Wings of the Dove, Pumpkinhead 2: Blood Wings, Waiting in the Wings, Rocks with Wings, Wings of Fame, Before Women Had Wings, Wings of Death, Wings of Courage, Wings of Hope, Wings Over Everest, Give Us Wings
Wings, The West Wing
Frank and Terresa, Buffalo Bill Cody, Various forms of alcohol, the Cayene Pepper, Millard Fillmore