play the The Bubble Game
(created by André Kanamura )
and listen to my soundtracks and audio effects!!!
( requires flash plugin !)
and watch the
Mental Diarrhea Boy
Animation by André Kanamura
Script and Music by NeLaS
(in Portuguese)
Translation to English... follow the lines:
Sometimes to see with clarity, we need to reinterpret the facts.
Start from the beginning, look from another perspective.
Sometimes the answers come from indigestion.
From the mental indigestion.
All that we dont feel in its utterness, becomes abscence and is lost (What?).
And how would it be, if we had the chance to discover all that we left behind...?
You need the Flash plugin to be able to see the diarrhea... Get it HERE
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Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Since november 2006