O Quarto das Cinzas (The Ashes Room) hails from the northeastern Brazilian state of Ceará. Singer-actress Laya Lopes fronts the trio who describe their sound as a result of the influences of electronica, Brazilian, experimental, rock, poetry, fine arts and dance. Guitarist Carlos Eduardo also handles programming and bassist Raphael Haluli completes the group. Lopes' impressionistic, introspective lyrics float over ethereal electronica punctuated by urgent electric guitar riffs.In 2007 the band relocated to São Paulo to grow their music and their national audience. They have a released an independent EP titled "A Chave (The Key)" and are working on a full-length album that will include English lyrics for international release in 2008.
O Quarto das Cinzas: Electronic music with Brazilian accent.
Formada por músicos de diferentes visões e influências, O Quarto das Cinzas é uma banda cearense de músicas autorais dessas difÃceis de definir. As influências são diversas e o resultado é uma música livre, moderna, com elementos eletrônicos e um sotaque brasileiro.
A banda vem se destacando no cenário de bandas independentes com sua música inovadora e seus shows performáticos que somam à música outras linguagens artÃsticas como a dança, a poesia, projeções ou objetos cênicos.
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." O Quarto das Cinzas is sunrise, is sunset. Magical twilight, spectacle, exchange. Contact. It's night and day. In O Quarto das Cinzas is where transformation, death and rebirth are. Start over. Follow down the rainbow, near the pot of gold, mysteriously... It's magic of life, eternal movement morphing over and over."
O Quarto das Cinzas is moved by poetry and good music. The intention turns perceptions of life and multiform expressions into modern cosmopolitan music. Experiments that search for harmony and beauty."
No Programa do Jô:
Clip Circulares - O Quarto das Cinzas
.Clip Incontrolável - O Quarto das Cinzas