Christianity,Botany, Ethnobotany,ethnopharmacology,Gardening, Daturas, Shamanism,Eschatology,cosmology,catastrophism,devolution,Art ,literature, cinema,paleo-dermagraphics, Neo-tribal tattoo,Apologetics,Gourd Art,Anomalist subjects,Yage,Gymnastics,contortionists. ..
The I AM,The Word made flesh, Paul of Tarsus, Dr. Gene Scott, Natalie Portman, Lilia Stepanova, Sasha Cohen, Christina Ricci,Al Franken, Oana Ban, Crispin Glover,Elena Produnova, J.R.Bob Dobbs, the Annunaki(Maybe), the Nephilim(maybe),Velikovsky, Fellow artists of any genre or medium, Subgenii, Yetinsyny, Springheel Jack, Djinn, IGIGI and TsekEtinus, Skookum, Nalusa Falaya, Perry Stone, Dennis Hopper,James Spader, Alexander and Ann Shulgin, Ayahuasceros,Gardeners,Seed traders,and all those other lucky souls who are blessed with the glorious genetic tweak that is Aspergers..
Mozart, Rena Jones,Imogen Heap, Sinatra, Fiest, Blues, Dead Can Dance, Mercan Dede,Bill Laswell,Fischer Z,Miranda,Tom Waits,The Residents,Bjork,The Cramps,Nina Hagen,Eno,Hildegard von Bingen,Laurie Anderson,Shpongle,Primus,Marta Sebestyen,Mazzy Starr,Cowboy Junkies, Cranes,Ekova,The Mermen,Devo, Pink Floyd...
The Passion,Terry Gilliam,Coen Brothers,Shyamalan,Ridley Scott,Ang Lee,Kubrick,Mathew Barney, Lord Of TheRingsTrilogy, Run Lola Run,JacobsLadder,Pi,Run ronnie run, Being There. Blueberry, Red Violin,The Fountain
The Fast Show,Enterprise,Simpsons, TheTick(animated),Get a Life,Prometheus and Bob,Family Guy,Mr.Show ,Brilliant, Father Ted,Now, Frontline,venture Brothers,Lost, Dr. Gene Scott, Manna-fest,Posh Nosh,B.Galactica(new and freakishly good!),most of Adult Swim...
NIVBible,Dan Simmons, William Burroughs, Peter Hamilton, Peter Carey, Jack Vance,Brian Lumley,Hunter S Thompson,Velikovsky,Joseph Dillow,Stephen Fry, Cordwainer Smith,Jaques Vallee,Rudy Rucker,Shulgin,Jonathen Ott, Bradbury,Lovecraft,R MCcammon,CS Lewis,Herodotus,Georg Trakl,Solzhenitsyn,Lord Dunsany, Bukowski.
Dr. Gene Scott, Alexander Shulgin,Velikovsky, Robert Evans Schultes, Albert Hoffmann, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Maria Sabina,Paul of Tarsus,Thomas X. D'Amico, Enoch,