DIABOLICAL CONQUEST WEBZINE , fondly known as DC Webzine, is a genuinely international webzine dedicated to the promotion of underground extreme metal genres. Our content is specialised and is managed by people who know their music.
Diabolical Conquest focusses mainly on the underground scene, it has the coverage of a commercial zine. Our impressive stats from all over the world are a testament to that. Yes, we can prove it to you - just ask.
If you want to know whether we will review your music, simply send us a message. We will check out your music and get back to you with the good news. We love you all but I hope you understand that we cannot review everything under the scorching sun. This is because we all have full time jobs and at least one imaginary porn star girlfriend.
Keep in mind that we don't do a half-assed job at reviewing. We spend a good deal of our time first listening and understanding your music before we proceed to describe it in detail.
Genres we cover -
Death Metal: Pure, Old School, Brutal, Deathrash, Blackened, Technical, basically all its sub-genres with the exception of the melodic ones
Grind: Goregrind, Grindcore, DeathGrind, Pornogrind, Noisecore, Powerviolence, Scatgrind, Slapcore, Wifegrind, etc.
Black Metal: True, Kvlt, Old School, Black Ambient, Norsecore, 1st Wave, 2nd Wave, Tsunami Wave, all sub-genres with the exception of the cheesy symphonic/melodic ones
Thrash Metal: Only those with metal balls please, no wimpy melo/core crap passing off as thrash.
Doom Metal: Epic, Traditional, Death/Doom, Funeral, Atmospheric, Industrial, Sludge, Heavy, 70's Rock, etc.
So for INSTANT WORLDWIDE promotion use this magical address to send us your stuff -
Kunal N. Choksi,
PO Box 11927,
Azad Nagar Post Office,
Mumbai - 400053,
Email contact:
[email protected]Do not let our exotic mailing address misguide you. All our writers (11 in all) with my exception come from metal recognised countries. DC Webzine therefore gets maximum hits from United States, Australia and the numerous countries in Europe many of which I thought existed only in fairy tales.
Shipping cost will not run into millions but just a buck more than usual. And that much a sensible person shouldn't mind spending on quality promotion of his quality music.You can ship your cd without its case - just use something like a thin cardboard slice to support it. Registration/Insurance/ID tracking is
NOT required because your parcel will
NOT get lost.
We would love to trade links with your band/label/distro. But as we are not intuitive, we require you to let us know about it.
Labels/Bands/Distros may feel absolutely free to promote your music on our forum. Bored metalheads are especially encouraged to get on it and talk about how bored they are -