My score on The Politics Test :
Left Libertarian
(You scored 86% Personal Liberty and 69% Economic Liberty!) 1156030451.jpg
A left libertarian believes in little to no government intervention on personal matters and little to moderate government intervention on economic matters. They generally believe in a government that is extremely small and limited to the extent of protecting people's liberty. They tend to be strongly opposed to war, police powers, victimless crimes, foreign intervention and what they consider to be a welfare state. They strongly support self-ownership and support property rights. They support capitalism as an economic system. Libertarian thought is individualist in nature.
Link: The Politics Test
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I am a third grade teacher about 40 minutes from Asheville, North Carolina. I don't have much time for myspace, but I do my best. I am full of limitless gratitude for all that I am blessed with...I envision a future of peace, for every child of every race of every nationality...I envision a world in which everyone has enough to eat and everyone has enough time to do the things they love...I envision a world where honesty and kindness are the subject of the top news story of the day...I believe that we create our own lives through our most prevalent thoughts and feelings...I believe that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to us the things that we choose to focus our energy/thoughts/minds on the most...this means that if we focus on negative things, we get more negative things (even if we are thinking of how we don't want those things to be, the focus is still on the negative)...if we focus on love, we get more love...I choose to focus on what I DO want for my future and the world's future so that more of those things will manifest into reality...What are YOU focused on?...because that's what you'll get more of tomorrow... This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!