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About Me

My score on The Politics Test :

Left Libertarian
(You scored 86% Personal Liberty and 69% Economic Liberty!) 1156030451.jpg

A left libertarian believes in little to no government intervention on personal matters and little to moderate government intervention on economic matters. They generally believe in a government that is extremely small and limited to the extent of protecting people's liberty. They tend to be strongly opposed to war, police powers, victimless crimes, foreign intervention and what they consider to be a welfare state. They strongly support self-ownership and support property rights. They support capitalism as an economic system. Libertarian thought is individualist in nature.

Link: The Politics Test

View My Profile:

( OkCupid Free Online Dating )

I am a third grade teacher about 40 minutes from Asheville, North Carolina. I don't have much time for myspace, but I do my best. I am full of limitless gratitude for all that I am blessed with...I envision a future of peace, for every child of every race of every nationality...I envision a world in which everyone has enough to eat and everyone has enough time to do the things they love...I envision a world where honesty and kindness are the subject of the top news story of the day...I believe that we create our own lives through our most prevalent thoughts and feelings...I believe that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to us the things that we choose to focus our energy/thoughts/minds on the most...this means that if we focus on negative things, we get more negative things (even if we are thinking of how we don't want those things to be, the focus is still on the negative)...if we focus on love, we get more love...I choose to focus on what I DO want for my future and the world's future so that more of those things will manifest into reality...What are YOU focused on?...because that's what you'll get more of tomorrow... This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

Made by Andrea Micheloni Talking to children...time with Justin and good friends...looking at catalogs I will never order from...wire-wrapping jewelry...making memory books of my photos...crochet...writing books...messing up the house as soon as I clean it...playing notes that harmonize once in a while...praying/ natural cures...spreading love...telling it like it is...staying in my pajamas all thumbs and plants...hiking and camping...asking questions...dancing...visualizing my own reality...clean sheets...babies...jazz...pilates...swing dance...rearranging furniture...etc... .
You Are an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
On the surface, you're a little plain - but you have many subtle dimensions to your personality.
Sometimes you're down to earth and crunchy. Other times, you're sweet and a little gooey. What Kind of Cookie Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Your Mood Ring is Red
Ready to go Mood Ring Generator


Your Brain's Pattern.. .. .. .. .. ..
Create your own message at

Your mind is a multi dimensional wonderland, with many layers.
You're the type that always has multiple streams of though going.
And you can keep these thoughts going at any time.
You're very likely to be engaged in deep thought - and deep conversation. What Pattern Is Your Brain? Once, I went down the ipod and typed every musician I like...I'm not doing that again...I'm picky, but there's a lot of good stuff out there...a lot of it is in my living room on vinyl...a lot of it is on our ipod...a lot of it I haven't heard...but maybe you have...and then you could tell me...and I could hear it too...good jazz?(ooh that's my favorite)...swing?...blues?...southern rock (although I think I have heard it all)...I want what you can't categorize...


you can drop Bush by clicking on him and moving him! He just falls down, down, down...

I like maybe 1 in a million movies. Yeah I'm picky.
You Scored an A
You got 10/10 questions correct.

It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors.
If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs.
As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human.
And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes.
The It's Its There Their They're Quiz
You Are Incredibly Logical
Move over Spock - you're the new master of logic
You think rationally, clearly, and quickly.
A seasoned problem solver, your mind is like a computer! How Logical Are You?


If it weren't for these, I'd have smashed it a long time ago:


YES, please
Your Inner Child Is Happy
You see life as simple, and simple is a very good thing.
You're cheerful and upbeat, taking everything as it comes.
And you decide not to worry, even when things look bad.
You figure there's just so many great things to look forward to. How Is Your Inner Child?


free thinkers free thinkers free thinkers
You Are Surrealism
Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.
It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy.
You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society.
You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world. What Art Movement Are You?

My Blog

I'd like to be able to blame it on alcohol...

Check out my recordings and let me know what you think! All credit goes to Bean for taking care of the main vocals...We were all just backup singers, really......
Posted by Melissa on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:51:00 PST

so many people feel the same

so many people feel the same replacing peace and love for painlife is more than a get-rich gameevery tombstone carries a namenone of our work or good deeds are in vainbecause we are strong we carry no...
Posted by Melissa on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 08:12:00 PST


myspaceyourspacelogin and anticipatetype the memorized keys with hasteread the bulletins of wastecopy and paste a happy facepost a comment, in good tasteAmericans friends Australlians matesspend time ...
Posted by Melissa on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:22:00 PST


Anticipating onhanging strongwaiting longscratch the itchor flip the switchwish and wishfeel the need or plant the seed take the leador experience againwhat’s always beenwhat’s wearing thi...
Posted by Melissa on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:05:00 PST


Tires crunch on the gravelIndians chant in toungeCat curls on the cushionA new day soon begunOthers fill my mind upEach one walking a pathEach one feels uncertainEach one needing a laughWho knows of t...
Posted by Melissa on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:24:00 PST

I changed my mind

Yeah I changed my mind about anti-war and pro-peace being the same thing.  After doing some reading, I realized that what we put out into the universe, we get more of.  And I've been testing...
Posted by Melissa on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:39:00 PST

And so are you.

Life is about to begin.  Like warm sunshine on my face, I know what I am meant to do.  I look upward to the mountains, to my career, to my future, with the people that I love most. I look up...
Posted by Melissa on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:50:00 PST

wouldn't it be wonderful

if only people listened to the whole question   before they started trying to answer?
Posted by Melissa on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:54:00 PST

When was the last time you danced?

Gnarles Barkley is awesome.  They have a new song and the chorus is "When was the last time you danced?"  It started me thinking about life and happiness in general.  I was in the groce...
Posted by Melissa on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:44:00 PST

Memorial Day 2006

Ahh Memorial Day. The day that we have reserved since 1866 in order to remember all of the soldiers who have died in service to our country. Since this weekend is when we Americans celebrate Memorial ...
Posted by Melissa on Mon, 29 May 2006 04:10:00 PST