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Marjory Sheba: Published Poet

"SHEBAFIED! A Poetic Journey to Self-Actualization" by Marjory Sheba available now at all online boo

About Me

Dear visitors and friends:
Thank you for visiting with me here a while. I am deeply encouraged by your expressed love and appreciation. My name is Marjory Sheb.a. Sheba is a name of Semitic origin meaning "Host of Heaven and Peace". The acronyms stand for my family and married names.As I hold your eyes and ears captive for this precious while, allow me to paint on the open canvas of your mind a wholesome image of who I am:
A "CONSCIENCE-GUIDED" BEING- Walking the path of the All-Seeing, seeking to be in harmony, of spirit, mind and body. I am also an avid student of life, it is the ultimate learning institution and I love to learn!!! I aim to seek Wisdom and gain Understanding; turning every Experience into lessons that will help me graduate unto the next realm with honors.
A SPEAKER AND WRITER- Aspiring to inspire! I am inspired by life and wired with love. I write to stir the minds of the conscience-dead and give eyes to their hearts. Writing has been a passion of mine since I was 10. I write a monthly column for the Caribbean Sun Newspaper highlighting Haitian culture and people. Recently, I have published my very first book, entitled: "Shebafied!... A Poetic Journey to Self-Actualization". It is a deeply intense and poetic book filled with meaningful poetry, food-for-thought passages and insightful quotes.
AN EVENTS ORGANIZER- Together with BA Productions, a US Media Company, my company W.O.W! Events help put forth a number of corporate functions and community events, including fundraisers and concerts each year that "Elevate, Educate and Entertain" and provide a platform for budding and seasoned artists to showcase their talents. One of those events is CAFE Poetry night: a monthly reoccurring poetry night event that fuses Creole, English and French poetry and music on one stage. Visit:
Finally, I am an AFRICAN PATRIOT- I LOVE AFRICA! More than anything in the world I want to visit, in body, the land from which I came in spirit. I long to be rejoined with my people in Yemen (Extended Africa/SW Asia), drink buna with my family in Ethiopia, eat wat atop injera with my neighbors in Eritrea, play lago with my friends in Sudan, listen to Mbaqanga music with my aunts and uncles in South Africa, go swimming in the Mogadishu Leedo beach with my rebel cousins in Somalia, celebrate Sham El Nessim with my muslim sistrens in Egypt... That is my quest. To go home to beautiful Mama Africa and lay my head on her lap.
Now that you know a little more about me, how about telling me something about you? Write me a comment or send me an email telling me of your passion, platform or plight. Let me know how I can help further your cause. Let's change the world together!!! Until then, and beyond...
Be at peace. Be for peace. Be peace. Always.
Love & life!
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Click here to listen to the poem below.
Be Blessed!

Open your heart to only love

Wish good for those who.."ve hate for you

Assure your faith in God above

And give Him thanks in all you do

To your own self, always be true

Oblige your heart to do what.."s right

Hunger for Truth and Wisdom, too

They.."ll keep you walking in The Light

Forgive those who.."ve dishonored you

Forget the wrongs they.."ve done to you

Give, happily, to those in need

And you.."ll be blessed my friend, indeed

Don.."t, by men.."s folly, be impressed

And be unholy, like the rest

In all you do, render your best

My brothers and sisters, be blessed!

copyright 2006 by Marjory Sheb.a.

excerpt from book-

.."Come! Shebafy Yourself With Me!..", a limited edition.

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What Is The Cure For Lovesickness?

Does it heal on its own?

Is its side-effect emptiness,

Or, sentiments regrown?

Is there a pill for lovelessness

To soothe a lover.."s woe?

A drink for broken-heartedness

To make the heartaches go?

I beg of you, rally your friends

Conjure your learned scientists.

If we, with them, unite our hands

Surely a cure can soon exist

But, we must first learn to beleive

In love enough to give

For, isn.."t loving without being loved

The emptiness we grieve?

.."Tis but a lonesome, reoccuring tale

Of love and loss

That men endlessly hail

For what reward? What providence entailed?

Along the course our ignorance, us, fail!

I have known men who.."ve vowed to never love,

Who plot and scheme their way

Through women.."s hearts.

This is the ruin we see, yet seldom speak thereof

From lack of verity, we lessen love to parts.

What is the cure for lovesickness?

I ask you once again.

How do I mend my restlessness

And fall in love again?

Copyright 2006 By: Marjory Sheb.a.- .."Ideals of a Realist.." Book.

.."Come! Shebafy Yourself With Me!.."

Come! .."Shebafy.." yourself with me!

Let go of your .."realness..", your supposed to be

self- that is never quite satisfied,

with rituals, by which, you claim to be edified.

This process will break all your traditions,

color your eyes, broaden up your horizons.

Wash out the stains of prejudices you hold,

heat up your spirit that.."s forever been cold.

Make you call .."hip..", what you labeled as .."weird..".

Stick you out like PEPPER when you are neared-

by stubburns, in subburbs or cities or towns,

from whom you.."ll be gifted with jewelries and crowns...

For your .."Shebafied.." self; your stupefied wealth,

your newly posessed state of open-mindness.

You.."ll be like Queen Nefertiti on her glorious days,

Like the great Houdini, with his tricks that amaze:

bringing wonders to the mind of the pitifully common,

dumbfounding the intelligent, while wizening up the moron.

You will love, you.."ll be loved and become love itself.

Once transformed into .."Sheba..", you.."ll discard your old self;

Your old likings, your old views,

your pointless outings, your old crews.

Success will come like all expected dues.

.."Cause you.."ll be a .."Sheban..":

a Nubian,

whose home is in Eden

Drinking life, abundant,

from the cup that is Golden

This is your chance to finally be free,

Come! .."Shebafy.." yourself with me!

by marjory sheB.A.

copyright 2002

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My Interests

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My main interests are: PEOPLE, POETRY, MUSIC and ART!
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I'd like to meet:

Visionaries, Mountain-Movers, Authors, Poets, Fashion Designers, Experienced Models, Comedians, Actors, Dancers, Musicians, Make-up Artists, Business Owners for sponsorship opportunities, Event Producers and Promoters, Sound Technicians, TV Personalities, DJ's, etc. ANYONE interested, one way or another in changing the world one EVENTful moment at a time.



Oh Africa

so many would seduce you,

so many would make you

the harlot of all the lands.

Oh Africa,

which way will you choose?

Money lust will destroy you.

Vampires already

taste your black blood.

Corporate vultures circle.

They smell green death in your air..."center">

Africa, my Africa,

what good is progress

when ancient traditions give way

to white hot madness?

When virtue runs like hot oil

between the legs of your daughters,

turned street walkers

wandering in port city nights?

Africa, my Africa,

hear our cries.

Hear your dispersed children turned

New World ghetto dwellers.

We know the pale menacing glare.

We know the road,

we see you now

determined to travel.

Africa, my africa,

we come home

to you,

to embrace you,

your power,

to sink our roots back into

your profound brown

navel of the earth


our face

is your face

is the same face:

we are




All rights reserved. Copyright 2001.

Faith and Africa.. o:p>..

.. ..

Faith is a skinny, homeless child....

With no clothes on his back....

Telling that God will shelter him....

From soldiers that attack....

.. ..

Faith is a helpless, sickly man....

Living with H.I.V.....

Saying out loud, smiling and all....

“Allah will set me free!!!”....

.. ..

Faith is a group of orphan kids....

Who’ve not eaten for days....

Singing about a loving God....

And His generous ways....

.. ..

Faith is a war-made handicap....

Feetless and immobile....

Struggling to make his way to church....

Happy to go there still....

.. ..

Faith is a young, 5 year old girl....

Looking through mud for food....

Responding, “yes”, in Swahili....

When asked if God is good....

.. ..

Faith is a state past common sense,....

Beyond ....America........

Until yours become more intense....

Go visit Africa....

.. ..

By: Marjory Sheb.a.....

All rights reserved. Copyright 2006.....

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Some of my closest friends are musicians of all genres, so I will not discriminate... I LOVE ALL TYPES OF MUSIC!! Really!!! And, by the way, WHEN YOU SEE A MUSICIAN, BE SURE TO GIVE THEM A HUG- THEY NEVER GET TO DANCE.
Making our very special appearance, at O-town city's FIESTA OF LIGHTS event: Lexima (Host of SJ MTV), Guylaine (KAYSHA's road manager) & I.

[Quoting the insightful Marianne Williamson]
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were BORN TO MANIFEST THE GLORY OF GOD that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."


Not a big fan of the big screen... I prefer plays and broadway musicals.


Any musical or comedy show, and of course... Street Jams Music Television!
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I love to read!!! I am captivated by the stories of Ancient Egypt and the African Spiritual movement. However, poetry is still a strong personal favorite; I own a very large book collection (can't name them all!!).
Biographies of notable black leaders and achievers, fill up the remaining spaces of my library. The self-enlightening and motivational books make for a great occasional treat.
I thouroughly enjoyed the book by Senator Barack Obama, "The Audacity of Hope" and would recommend it to all. Click below to learn more about this author and his on-going campaign for US presidency.
Barack Obama is a great man whom I believe possess the wisdom to make a great president for the United States. I have decided to join with his campaign supporters in the quest to earning him a fair shot at the White House. Sounds idealistic? Well... that, my friend, is being a visionary!
Please enjoy this picture collage I created in tribute to ETHIOPIA and the beautiful people of AFRICA, dear to my heart!!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow>
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MAKEDA: the queen of Sheba; sole high-profile lover of KING SOLOMON and bearer of his first love child, MENELEK: the genesis of the Ethiopian Royal Dynasty. {Read my blog entitled "The Queen of Sheba" to learn more}.

What I.."ve Learned For Sure

Love waits for no one

People make mistakes

We all need someone

To help soothe our aches

In youth, we mock signs

We fear when we.."re old

Everything that shines

Really isn.."t gold

Families grow apart

True friends don.."t stay true

Loving from the heart

Can be hard to do

Miracles are real

Time is an amount

Our pains we can heal

When our joys we count

Promises are words

Spoken with a plight

Cheaters come in herds

Lying.."s never right

Loving is a gift

Caring is an art

Feelings often shift

When doubt plays a part

Enemies grow hate

Gossipers spread lies

We all meet the fate

Led by our own lives

Money isn.."t all

Freedom isn.."t free

To fail is to learn

To love is to be

Copyright 2006

By: Marjory Sheb.a.

Book: .."Come! Shebafy Yourself With Me.."

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Please enjoy this tribute video slide show of the art works of one of my favorite impressionists, VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890).

The soundtrack playing features the vocal accompaniment of acclaimed artist JOSH GROBAN singing the song written by Don Mclean, in Vincent's honor, appropriately entitled: "Vincent"... .. ..>

And again,....

He cheats...


Making his

Million excuses....

Always he....

My love, abuses....

Swearing he won’t cheat again....

.. ..

And again,....

He lies...


Forgetting ....

The made up story....

He told me....

Last week, already....

Claiming he didn’t lie again....

.. ..

And again,....

He leaves...


Telling me....

Not where he’s going....

Come back home....

On the next morning....

Say, he’ll never leave again....

.. ..

And again,....

He cheats....

.. ..

And again,....

He lies....

.. ..

And again,....

He leaves....

.. ..

And again,....

I swear my things I’ll pack....

And again,....

I take him back

Excerpt from Mind, Heart Misery

copyright 2007 by Marjory Sheb.a.

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IF AFRICA WERE A MAN, never ROBBED OF ALL ITS GOLDOne with the DARK EARTH and all its riches THIS is how I imagine he would look...
My friend and Nigerian model: Ugochukwu, AFRICA in the flesh!BEAUTIFUL WOMEN OF ERITREA:
THE NAME SHEBA MEANS: "HOST OF HEAVEN AND PEACE". I hope you have experienced a little of both from your visit with me today. Thanks so much for stopping by!
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My Blog

A Brave Like Me

"To fear love is to fear life. I do not fear life. I am not afraid to love; whatever the terms may be. I am one, out of many. Come be that brave with me." -Marjory Sheb.a. A brave like me Fearless and...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:43:00 PST

Faith and Africa

Faith and Africa Faith is a skinny, homeless child With no clothes on his back Telling that God will shelter him From soldiers that attack Faith is a helpless, sickly man Living with H.I.V. Saying o...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:59:00 PST

A quote from the insightful Marianne Williamson

[quoting Marianne Williamson]   "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, ta...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:52:00 PST

And Again...

And Again   And again, He cheats...   Making his Million excuses Always he My love, abuses Swearing he won't cheat again   And again, He lies... Forgetting The made up story He to...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:40:00 PST

Be Blessed!

Be Blessed!   Open your heart to only love Wish good for those whove hate for you Assure your faith, in God above And give Him thanks in all you do   To your own self, always be true Oblige ...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 12:09:00 PST

Break Free

Break Free   He... Hits her all the times She... Turns her pain to rhymes Trying so desperately... Afraid to break free   Another couples' doom: Their love has turned to gloom But, the kids....
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 09:12:00 PST

Puzzled And Perplexed

PUZZLED AND PERPLEXED Inwardly burning Is my sole need of discerning A, mere, momentary yearning From a love that is returning.   For, I cannot digest Why this heart beneath my breast Won't my se...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:59:00 PST

I love to love (poem)

I love to love   I love to love, It's just my air! Wish I could spread it  everywhere. Though I can never stay in love, feels good to know I can find love- someone, somewhere's willing ...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 08:46:00 PST


A breath of air just entered me Bringing relief to my sick lungs That fail to function properly Since I last savored your sweet tongue   Your eyes are what I miss the most They saw so clearly thr...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 11:51:00 PST

Makeda: "The Queen of Sheba"

In Arab lore, this queen was named Bilqus or Balkis; in Ethiopia, Makeda (also Magda, Maqda and Makera), meaning "Greatness." Years later, the historian Josephus, referred to her as Nikaulis, Queen of...
Posted by Marjory Sheba: Published Poet on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 06:23:00 PST