Peace Gods...Queens and Kings were first hereQueens and Kings of Oldemere
Heavenly Divine Beingswith Godly figures beyond the seeingBut, if you use your insight - you may catch a glimpseOf the Gods and Goddesses that lie withinHowever be warned of the repercussionsIf Set sedates the AbMenThen Sahu will insure that Ausar stays dormantHaste not and ignore the allure of ignoranceThat you may awaken to the realm of Higher IntelligenceSuccumbing to all its benefits...knowledge, wisdom, and intuitionRightfully givenAs we are the descendants of a Divine-line of RoyaltyOur purpose is to regain, establish and remain at peaceLikewise the unfolding of eventsEither enjoyable or troublesomeare not things in which your peace dependsRather, rely on the resultingfor each choice leads to somethingBecause, Karma cannot be changedHowever, these obstacles...sharpen the brainthe golden blade... of your spearAimed and ready to pierceSo do not cringe at the things people refer to as "cursed" or "badluck"Become delightful with the opportunity to build your spiritual power upYou are deities of the Holy TreeCollectively...Giver of Life to all thingsContinually adding indefinitely to your enlightened portfolioUpdating as you complete each life cycleBe mindfulDue to the law of nature we must adhere to...EVERY - SINGLE - THING - WE - DO!In retrospect, energy is neither created nor destroyedThereforeAs Gods, we were never bornBecause we are the extension of the Supreme,We too find truth to no beginningUltimately we are Queens and Kings of the longwindedConsciously living on beyond mundane existenceOur common goal must be to mindsour peopleour globeLet it be respectfully knownBut most essentially,with the DivineYet until its invoked with the purpose to guideIt will remain patiently dwelling dormant insidePeace Gods!!HETEP AUSARS UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN IN NIRVANA
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