~ Harmony ~ profile picture

~ Harmony ~

If I am searching for my spirituality, passionately, I must begin with me ~Jill Scott

About Me

Breath in life to the fullest,
that your soul may overflow with love unconditional

My name is Harmony and I am the daughter of a nation of African people who have been forced to take residence in the United Sated of America. Libra and Lover at heart, I was born to bring forth my God given talents and live to fulfill that mission. I still have a long way to go, but through my spiritual practices, my super-friends and a loving family, it will not be a matter of IF I succeed, but rather WHEN. In a nuthshell, I love music of various types, but my all time favorite group is Earth Wind and Fire and the runner up is Fertile Ground from Baltimore. I have great compassion for animals and hold my Mother Earth in the highest regard, for she sustains our earthly needs. Currently, I am working to tune up my spirit to take on the mission to help up-lift my African people, especially Black Women, who I feel in my heart, possess the power to truly heal the world.
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You scored as The Tiger. You are a very mysterious person, whose inner self is much like the TIGER. You are very poised and graceful, or you want to be. But you have a very unpredictable nature. You are subject to your feelings of anger, happiness, distrust, and aggressiveness. People can sometimes read you, but you do not always sit around and let them. You are very independent, but enjoy the company of others like you.

The Tiger


The Dolphin


The Arctic Wolf


The Eagle


The Dog


The Cat

What Animal Describes Your Inner Self
created with QuizFarm.com

My Interests

Fashion Design, Interior Decorating, Drawing, Poetry (check out www.blackonblackrhyme.com )My sisters of BOABW~Beauty of a Black WomanAfrican tradition and rituals, Shamanism and all other traditions practiced by my ancestors that the western world tries to make us ashamed and scared of thus rendering us powerless against it's (western world) war against humanity. Race wars, violence, gas prices and poverty will mean nothing if we destroy our only home...

I'd like to meet:

Queen Afua...Ernesto 'Che' Guevara...Charman Omali Yeshitela(oh yeah, already met him, that brotha is serious)...Andre 3000(my favorite and most sexy rapper alive)...Michael Jackson(don't front, ya'll would jump from sheer curiosity to met him in person too)...Babaji(immortal, enlightened yogi)...all mystics and keepers of ancient and modern African, Native American and Indian/Tantric practices/magic. Most of all, I'd like to meet my ancestors both living and non alike to help heal the gapping wound that is sliced between us and our stolen life, our stolen legacy...

!!!Check out www.myspace.com/beautyofablackwoman

"I am neither Christ nor philanthropist...I am the complete opposite of a Christ...I fight with whatever arms I have at hand for what I believe in, and try to destroy my opponent rather than letting myself be nailed to a cross or anywhere else." -Ernesto 'Che' Guevara


Anything that resonates with the keys of the universe both within and outside of us all. MyGen Profile Generator


Not a huge movie watcher but honorable mentions include Crooklyn, Malcolm X, Legend, The never Ending Story (pt 1 only) Little Shop of Horrors (my favorite musical,Moulin Rouge is next) New Jack City, Ann Rice 'Feast of All Saints!!!A must see!!, As Good as it Gets (my favorite Romantic Comedy)I did see Sankofa for the first time this year and enjoyed it alot. MyGen Profile Generator t.


Hellevision, I'll pass... well, with the exception of TLC, HGTV and the Style network of course MyGen Profile Generator


Sacred Woman-Queen Afua, The Book of Secrets-Osho, Carlos Castaneda Series, Healing Wisdom of Africa-Malidoma Some, 100 years of Lynching, Kali's Oddiyah, Where the Sidewalk Ends-Shel Silverstein, Swan Song-Robert McCammon (Cool Sci-Fi Fiction Book), Poetry Book by Pablo Neruda, Mutant Message Down Under, A Taste of Power-Elaine Brown (a womans perspective in a leadership role of the Black Panther Party MyGen Profile Generator


All the Africans in america who survived this long over the centuries of terrorism, thus sparing my generation a lifestyle of outright prejudice and brutality. Peace and Love to my warrior ancestors...we have the torch now, please guide us to the finish line. Ase MyGen Profile Generator

My Blog

Haikus at the Crossroads

inside my closethang thirty-five cent wages.Can I live with that?fashion design andrenunciation ~ how isthis gonna work out?for a greater causeI denounce store-bought clothes likeJeremiah Wrightplans ...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Sun, 18 May 2008 01:50:00 PST


Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:03:00 PST

The offering

I have been here far too longa spare key, hiddenwith whereabouts, now forgottenwrinkled and withered,the fruit of yesterdays dreamrottenOne day, an uprising will stir the soil of my resting placelike ...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:30:00 PST

These Broken Things

What to make of broken thingsimmersed in shadowshiddeninside dark and dusty cabinet cornerswaiting patiently for redemptionor at leastthe common courtesy of a honorable demisediscarded at the height o...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:50:00 PST

Harmony ~ Haiku

Inspired today while working on a few fashion sketches for a future project that I am very excited about, I'll share more as it develops, in the meantime, enjoy todays mental snippet of my life,...ado...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 11:03:00 PST

Ebb and Flow

Where to start?... well, this has been quite a profound weekend for my family and I. With the holiday vacation a week or so behind me, I can truly say I have much to be thankful for. First being the '...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 12:46:00 PST

Tell Me

I am in the mood for you todayendless lists, wireless, brinks, progressive, electricdiscardedemails, texts, phone calls, friend requestsdisregardedall for you my sacred spacea haven for your grand ide...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:57:00 PST


Irony is such a fascinating subject to me, it gives life such interesting twists and turns that you're never quite ready for. Of course, when we think of such moments, it is coupled with those of an ...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 02:53:00 PST

Daily Discipline

In lieu of my recent renewal of vows to writing and poetry, I have taken on the discipline of writing at least one phrase or paragraph, prose of some sort, anything to refresh the creative waters flow...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 11:41:00 PST

My Eastern Bedroom Wall

It's funny, this poem and I have not come to a mutual agreement, we are battling over whether or not it is finished, flowing properly and so forth, which is a little difficult to see from up close. We...
Posted by ~ Harmony ~ on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 06:15:00 PST