I grew up all over the place; from playing buckets on the back of abandoned apartments in southeast DC to running in the woods in Virginia or sweating my ass off in St. Pete, FL. I always was a musician. Music was always my best friend because of circumstances I spent a great deal of my childhood with music as my only companion. I started playing in front of people at church on the drums. From there I really received a good education on how music can actually evoke something way down deep inside. I laid off of music for a long time I was kind of living someone elses life, hell i was a Marine for 7 yrs!
During that time I met a artist who put a fire in me that I will never forget. I ended up going to War and during that time I made a decision to focus my energy into doing what I declared in heaven before I got here; and that was being a musician. When I got back stateside Jaron Lawson, Chris Warren, and Shaun Howard created the greatest band of all time called Runaway SOUL!!! We changed the way many people looked at music and changed the way some musicians played thier instruments forever. Now it's time for a change. Our most important weapon against what we know is wrong is music..... and that's why I'm here.