Ras Terms One profile picture

Ras Terms One

swim or we'll drown....................

About Me

First before anything, I'm a man, then I'm a self taught artist trying to survive as an artist seeking freedom, equality, justice, love and peace of mind by any means necessary and a place to rest my weary head.....I'm an artist for the people and my youth. I work hard in healing myself. I am not this "holier than thou person", but I do stand firm in faith. I come from a different place than you so overstand my differences and expect me to be myself. I am not some "dread irie man lets get high chasing reggae" or whatever. I have love for those who love me. I treat you the way you treat me. I cannot sugarcoat things so lets just be honest with each other......I am here to heal myself and others through art. My backround is Puerto Rican/Columbian born in the 305. En la Lucha siempre buscando mas fuerza y paz!!!!!!!!!! TALK TO ME BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME......mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src='' enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" style='display:none'

My Interests

MARCUS GARVEY SAID " IF YOU DON'T HAVE WORK, MAKE WORK" and this is my work,I'm a STREET ARTIST who lives loves Graff and all forms of street Art..........Graffitti Art Street Art, African Art, Kemetic Art, Rastafari Art,Yoruba Arts, Cultural Art, Conscious Art, Black and Latino arts:I have worked on projects such as, Cd Covers and slips, Stage drops, Murals, Logos, T-shirts, Book covers, logos for websites, Canvases, Flyers for clubs. I have donated work to Latino and African communities world wide. I have done work for reggae artist, Hip hop producers, Reggae selectors etc. look out for projects featuring my works...........breaking down the walls of babylon with the internal external movement!!!!!! Look out for us in your neighborhood wallsPAN-AFRICANISM FIRST, RASTAFARI,KEMETIC TEACHINGS, NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS, PALO,SANTERIA,ANCESTRAL WORSHIP, INVOKING THAT AFRIKAN SPIRIT FOR STRENGTH AND GUIDANCE! ARCHITECT OF STYLE, STREET ART, MODERN ANTIQUES,POETRY, MAN 360, SUN WORSHIP!!!12345677790, COOKING FOOD, LOVE MAKING, MENTALLY AND PHYSICALY, HANDS AND HEART, BUILD AND DESTROY, OFF THE CHAIN !!!!!

I'd like to meet:



I love music. Its a guidance..goes with my emotions, so it shifts From Niyahbinghi to neo soul, from Celia cruz to Roots reggae, From Oldschool hip hop to Bashment...From dirty south to salsa, from Prince fari to de la soul..you name it... Depends how I'm feeling and what I'm going through....No electric guitars sorry.....img src="http://rastafari.unn13.com/images/howell.gif"


A site for African Conscious freedom fighters and revolutionist, knowledge is power


THE REVOLUTION HAS STARTED WITH STREET ART!!! MORE STREET ARTimg src="http://www.houseofnubian.com/id-1343/ImgUpload/N_H010E_ 1170012.JPG"


img src="http://www.brothermalcolm.net/2002/stamps/images/stamp. jpg"


My Mother, Those who suffer and are worse off than I am. Our Ancestors, and HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY HAILE SELLASSIE FIRST who has given I the breathe of life. All honor and glory unto THE LIGHTS OF THE WORLD. img src="http://www.comorama.info/portrait/international/image/m arcus%20garvey.jpg"

My Blog

ART as a I-vine Expression............

The art is an internal communication and a product of an enviroment all in one perfect modern antique devine expression.....devine defined by its own creator with their own personal creator creating.....
Posted by Ras Terms One on Sat, 03 May 2008 09:50:00 PST

my art inspirators............

Feeling the need to give the strength where it is due........iron sharpens Iron. These are artist that have inspired me in my life........KVEEVULCANPHASE 2RAS DANIEL HEARTMANJAH VICESU THE MACHETEDEK ...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 10:10:00 PST


Right now I am going through a financial situation concerning making ends meet with my art. We all face this as artist always trying to paint and live off our skill. So it is very dissappointing when&...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:04:00 PST

Consciousness.....Poem by Ras Terms 1138

I remember when being conscious was the shit. We where intelligent hoodlums and ghetto soldiers of righteousness. We would write prophetical words on the walls of Babylon. now it seems like all that ...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 09:57:00 PST

Live your life............

Dont let anything, anyone, circumstances, nothing at all stop you from being you. People are going to talk regardless so just keep being you. Thats the whole thing in life...Enjoy your life starting r...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 09:13:00 PST

life class by Terms Uno

Sometimes I gotta ask the Lord, like if I was sitting in a life class with my hand up, will I pass? Why do I have this feeling that he has left me in this long ass line last, Why do I have t...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:12:00 PST

I'm not just a come up..........

I just want to put this out there in the circulating winds that this art form I am doing is something I've been doing since my early teenage years early 80's. If you know me personally you know what I...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:23:00 PST

The Third War has begun.......By Terms One

The inner world war has begun within each and every single one this war doesn't bring guns swords or tongues this is the last battle of thoughts inner nuclear bombs waiting to drop psychological invas...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:44:00 PST

poem.." I talked to the sun today" by Terms One

I talked to the sun today and it shed some light no words at all but the answer was bright right in front of my face in graffitti letters A son of the sun had written "god is love" on the parkin meter...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 08:56:00 PST

Poem " deleted" by Terms One

I wana write a poem about how she seperated, but the more I think about it the more I hate it.and my thoughts can't seem to fall in placeand my heart is like why, while my hand hits backspace...erase ...
Posted by Ras Terms One on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:43:00 PST