My Family...AFRIKA...Black Love...Cosmic Syncronicity...MAAT, Revolution...Revolutionaries...Kemetic Science...Kemetic Yoga...Ancient Art from Kemet to Aztlan...SprayCan Art ...Afrikan History......The Forest(Trees)Meditation and Peace ...Evolution....(((Bangin' for rEvolution.)))
Critical Thinkers...Creative Beings,people who are working for (R)evolutionary change in the Universe, Visionaries,Solutionaries,Travelers)...FALSE PROPHETS NEED NOT APPLY.
The Cosmic Beat of the Universe... That Original HipHop Sound('78-'90),Roots Rock Reggae, Dubb, Soul, Punk Rock(HardCore), Drum and Bass/Jungle, Jazz(70's and back), Doo Wop, The Blues, Classic 60's 70's Rock,Earth Wind And Fire,SunRA, Cuban Jazz(SarahVaughn,Mingus), Salsa,Cumbia ...Good ZMusic...
"The Spook Who Sat By The Door", Style Wars, Space is the Place,Sankofa,The Wiz
KILL YOUR TV!!! It Will kill you if you don't kill it first... ...My TV is a slave to my VHS and DVD player. Ha Ha Ha ha Hawww!!!.. width="425" height="350">.. .. ..>.. width="425" height="350">.. .. ..>I'm all about the TRUE SCHOOL
Malcolm X Speaks,Frantz Fannon's books, Metu Neter, Blacked out Through WhiteWash,The book of Coming Fourth by Day, Ice Man Inheritance,Mayan Factor,(Scrolls Sun), Djehuti(Scrolls Moon),The(unHoly) Bible,The Trees are Spiritual Books (Pay Attention),TurnTable Timmy,Aerosol Kingdom,Dondi White(StyleMasterGeneral), Morals and Dogma???(use a rake and gather the leaves), Afrikan Origins of Civilization(Diop),Civlization or Barbarism(Diop), "They Came before Columbus"(Van Sertima), Any Thing Dr. Ben or John Henrik Clarke. I enjoy books that open your mind and your spirit.
The Great Master Creater(s)..."The Grand Architech" Ma and Pa, Brotherman, Kwame Ture, Fred Hampton Sr., Assata Shakur, Nat Turner,(Cosmic)Christ, The BDP Posse, GreatMazinga, Fat Albert and the Gang,Phase2, Letter Man,Patrice Lamumba, Dondi White,Dream TDK, Dr.John Henrik Clarke,Khalid Abdul Muhammad (RIP),Imhotep...the god Ptah, ALL THE BLOODS AND CRIPS THAT KEEP THE TRUCE AND PROTECT AFRIKAN PEOPLE, Afrika Bambatta and the mighty ZULU name a few.