About Me
I am Dr. Finkelstein, the creator of one Sally the rag doll. I pride myself as being the best (mad)scientist in all of Halloween Town. I made Sally to keep me company and take care of me, but the wretched girl just will not take to obedience. I guess I will just have to make myseld a new companion... One just like me... maybe we shall even share a brain.... hmm.... Off to work.Update: Work on my companion, as many know, has been completed. We're very happy together, and I have started to work on my issues with Sally. Hoping things will work out amicably for the two of us. I am pretty busy working on some new inventions, and apologize for my lack of time to talk. Please know that I mean no disrespect.Style type="text/css" body{ background-color:000000; background-image:url(http://www.imageshare.de/images/upload/
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I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !