Flash* - GQ profile picture

Flash* - GQ

This warrior woman knows when to fight like a lion. The courage of her convictions is her shield, he

About Me

Bryna Nemhain O'Higgins is an "Old School" biker babe, Celtic Pagan Warrior, MeMa of 5, & in recovery since 4/15/96. I am Choctaw, Irish, & Greek. I live in So. MD with my rott/lab, Kleatus, who think's he's a cat. I have 4 cats (Otis, Willie G., Moe-Joe, & Minnie). I have 2 guinea pigs (Arya & Guinney), & a ferret named Zip. I am ordained through the Universal Life Church & the Church of Spiritual Humanism. I can marry you or bury you, but I don't sell tickets to Heaven. Don't judge me for my beliefs, I am still as human as anyone else.....maybe more human.

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My Interests

I'm into all that is Celtic, Native American beliefs, Druidism, & Shamanism. Been doing some research on my Irish/Celtic ancestry to find out if there are/were Pagans, Witches &/or Druids within the family. Irish roots go back to County Sligo in Ireland. My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Higgins. The vast majority of those bearing the Higgins surname today are descended from the sept of Ó hUigín which was based in the midlands. The name comes from the Gaelic “uiginn” meaning ‘viking’. The clan is famous for its poets. It produced 8 poets from the 13th to the 17th century. Today, the name is ranked as eighty-third most numerous in the country, with over half of the bearers of the name residing in the western province of Connacht. Both of my great-grandparents & their families came here in the mid-1800s from Ireland. My 1st grand-daughter (almost 10 yrs. old) is on her way to becoming a witch. She wants to learn all she can & seems to be more sensitive to certain things, as well as being intuitive. She has been asking questions & wanting to learn from me since age 4. She loves all things paranormal & is my Fri. night date for Most Haunted. She has dedicated herself to Celtic Paganism & is now Keela Mari. She wishes that other family would accept her beliefs as her own choice, which they are. It tears her up when she tries to please others who do not approve of our beliefs by going to their churches & listening to them tell her that she is not going to Heaven because she believes in paganism. Making everyone happy is not what she needs to try to do because it doesn't make her happy. If she chooses another path later on, that too will have been her choice. Been around bikers (mostly 1%ers) & Harleys since I was 17, so riding is a major love for me. Nothin' like bein' "In The Wind!" I want to build one before I'm 50. I also like going to Ren Faires, Pagan festivals, & other fun stuff related to the Medievel time period, or pagan culture. Into hauntings & ghosts, my grandkids, my critters, recovery, gardening, reading, helping others, cross-stitching, riding, & doing whatever strikes my interests. Also love PS2 games. Whenever possible I like to go to the mountains or near some water. Love to be in & around nature. Nothing like hearing water or the sounds of the outdoors. Makes you remember what it's really all about....simple things in life.


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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet like-minded people: Pagans (not the club), Bikers, & Recovering Addicts/Alcoholics. Don't have to be a all 3 together, but you know what I mean. I hope! As for people in music I'd like to meet: that's a long list because my music interests go back to the late 60s into now. Some of those people are dead anyway. There are other people I'd like to meet, but that could take forever, so I'll be happy either way. I have along list of stuff I'd like to do, & if I get to do close to half, then that'll be good enough for me. ***I'd like to meet my big brother, Richard S. Hill & his family when I find him, as long as they want to meet me. Sometimes adoptees aren't interested in their blood family, but I hope he'll meet at least me. I know he's out there! His birth date is: 3/2/59. I never knew I had an older brother until 2000. That was also when I found out I had a younger sister. I found her right away & it's like we were never apart. I hope that will be the same with my older brother.~~SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE I FIGHT ALONE!~~


Southern Rock, Rock/Metal, Blues, Pagan, Celtic/Irish, Native American, & Classic Rock. I have collected music from the late 60s to now, so I have a decent collection of stuff. The past couple of yrs. I've been trying to get what I have on cassette in CD form. I'm a late bloomer when it comes to technology. Still play the cassettes though. NO!, don't have anymore 8-tracks....got rid of them yrs. ago, but I still think reel to reel was great. I guess stereos with multi-CD players took the place of reel to reel.


Horror, suspense, comedy, fantasy (especially medievel or true stories).


Paranormal State, Psychic Kids, The Cleaner, House, Sons of Anarchy, Intervention, MAD TV, Ghost Hunters, GH International, Most Haunted, Destination Truth, DOG, Family Jewels, Girls Next Door, Haunting Evidence, Scrubs, King of the Hill, L.A.INK, Mind Freak, HIST Channel (especially stuff about Egypt or Atlantis), A&E, Discovery Channel, & other stuff that is interesting or about hauntings, paranormal, ancient mysteries, & mystical. With the hours I work, I have to tape the shows I like, so I don't get to watch all that I'd like to.


Sci-Fi Fantasy,Witches & Magick, Self-Help, Fantasy, Biographies, Pagan-related, Non-Fiction, Fiction. I'm a freaking bookworm!!



My best friend, Cindy, who left this life after battling Lupus for 15 yrs.. I miss her so much! Bros I've known & loved that have died, who I had a great deal of respect & admiration for. Anyone who has battled with, & gotten control of their addictions. And, anyone who has come out of the "Broom Closet" or any other kind of closet they were in.CURRENT MOON moon info
You are an earth witch. You have a bit of each of the other elements in you, but still stay your solid self. You are loyal, giving, and trustworthy which unfortunately may cause people to take advantage of you at times. You draw your power from the earth around you and have great respect for Gaia/the mother, and as the earth, you too are beautiful and can make a wonderful mother.
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My Blog


THE PATH OF A PRIESTESSDo you find spirituality to be a fleeting feeling?  Feeling spiritual mainly in times of need?  Feeling spiritual when you feel it is the proper time to?  How abo...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 03:54:00 PST


The Goddess is Alive in Every Woman The True Story of How She Came to Be, How She Disappeared, & How She Returned In the beginning, everything began, as it always does, with birth. The Great Mothe...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 03:34:00 PST


Druid Animal Lore Each creature is seen in Druidry as offering gifts of inner knowledge, vitality and healing. We know that animals can provide us with food and clothing, but here the idea is that the...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:30:00 PST


The Greatest Magickal Tool: Your Self by Blackcat The only ritual tool you ever really need is yourself. I know, you're thinking, "Myself? I'm not a ritual tool! A ritual tool is the chalice, atha...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:22:00 PST


Coming Out of the Broom Closet One of the biggest challenges to any Wiccan is figuring out how to "Come out of the Broom Closet." Telling your friends and family that you're a "Witch" can be incredibl...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:59:00 PST

The Death & Rebirth of Self

The Death And Rebirth Of Self DailyOm -- Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life. Even though this is a natural and necessary part of our growth, it is often painful or, ...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 08:59:00 PST

EULOGY FOR MY FRIEND, CINDY (Left this life, 5/10/07)

~~In Honor of Cindy~~ By: Dee* - 5/11/07       Dying is a part of living even though we don't usually think about it, or really want to think about it.  No matter h...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 03:48:00 PST

EULOGY FOR MY FRIEND, RHAPSITY (Left this life on 8/16/08)

"For My Friend"  by Flash* (8/22/08 No one is ever really prepared for the death of a loved one, friend, or other person close to us.  And death is something that we don't usually think ...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 03:37:00 PST

The Witches Pyramid

The Witches pyramid, also called "The Four laws of the Magus," is very ancient. They work great value to Witches and I suggest making special note of them. The Four Laws are matched to the Elements an...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 05:42:00 PST


A Profile of Celtic Paganism   ..tr> The Celtic magical belief system is strongly rooted in the Earth and in the elemental spirits that are the essence of nature: Earth, Air, Fire...
Posted by Flash* - GQ on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 05:32:00 PST