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Wavy Myspace Scroller
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Stuff for your blog!
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If you love rock old or new like I do! I have so many favorites it would take me forever to list them all.Please enjoy your visit and listen to some of my favs it will change from time to time. There are videos in my blog if you want to check them out. I just love Dilana. She is awesome. Keep the music in your heart!!Welcome to all that Enter
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MySpace Codes
Hubby is my Hero
Free Countdown Clocks at WishAFriend.com ..
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What type of witch are you?
Shaman - You are a healer. You like spending time alone, usually meditation or travelling the astral plane. You are empathic and feel when others are happy or hurting. You are more into the spiritual side of paganism and love to talk to plants and animals. You don't talk to others about your religion and you are wise beyond your years.
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