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Damaged Rose

Happy Easter!

About Me

Either I am crazy trying to live in a sane world or I am sane trying to live in a crazy world! Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne
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Crazy TrainCrazy, but that's how it goes millions of people living as foes maybe it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate mental wounds not healing life's a bitter shame i'm going off the rails on a crazy train i'm going off the rails on a crazy train i've listened to preachers i've listened to fools i've watched all the dropouts who make their own rules one person conditioned to rule and control the media sells it and you live the role mental wounds still screaming driving me insane i'm going off the rails on a crazy train i'm going off the rails on a crazy train i know that things are going wrong for me you gotta listen to my words yeh-h heirs of a cold war that's what we've become inheriting troubles i'm mentally numb crazy, i just cannot bear i'm living with something that just isn't fair mental wounds not healing who and what's to blame i'm going off the rails on a crazy train i'm going off the rails on a crazy train
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Interesting people who want to be friends in the true sense of the word!

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I just want to add here that I LOVE music! I dont listen to one type in particular although I probably lean more towards easy listening, but I appreciate all types of music! Yes I will even listen to rap add country if its good and it appeals to my senses! I am not disrciminatory even in my music! I have been to some sites where they say "If you not all metal and have any rap/hip hop on your page dont add me!" To me if you claim to love music all that matters is that the sound is good and that it makes you feel good!

My Blog


What a year 2006 has been! It brought with it alot of changes, some good and some not so good. Alot of those changes have been within me and who I am! I have had to grow up some which in some ways is ...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 02:55:00 PST

Mastermind Live!

I had the opportunity to travel to the east coast to see Mastermind perform live for two nights the last weekend in October! It was well worth the trip! If you live any where near by or are ever in t...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:38:00 PST

ADHD/ADD and Schools!

Boy am I in the mood for a blog! What is wrong with our school systems? This is 2006 and nothing has changed since the 80's! I just got a call from my daughter-in-law. My 5 year old grandson just star...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:23:00 PST

Literary Tag

If you're reading this you probably just got "tagged." This is a good way to find out what your friends are reading.  :) Here's the rules: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 123. Fi...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:19:00 PST


Libra, symbolized by the scales is the sign of marriage and partnerships. They are the most suited for marriage and partnerships. They are well-balanced, serene, temperate, intellectual, analytical an...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 11:24:00 PST

Do you shop online?

I wanted to share with you a great online shopping site that gives you rewards when you shop online. It is called MadeBig.com and they have almost every brand name store that you'd want to shop a...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 09:31:00 PST


It has been over 15 years since I smoked a cigarette and my crazy little mind is not only telling me I want one but that it would taste good and make me feel better! Talk about addictio...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 03:35:00 PST

Myspace World Peace Vigil

Together we are lighting up Myspace with the Light of Peace. Visualize this Light spreading throughout all the world, awakening the fellowhip and love lying within everyone's hearts. EVERYONE'S! "Wa...
Posted by Damaged Rose (aka Kathy) on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:04:00 PST