tat2edlvboy profile picture


meeting me is like getting to meet jesus but betterdevin mathieu

About Me

ok so im a gay guy who is a hairdresser my real name is stacy ... for 14 years i worked at toni&guy in the houston galleria ,the praha day spa closed you can now find me at salons on woodway at the intersection of wood way and chimeny rock ... more details later! now im a father and that comes before anything elsemy life is a free for all freak show ..im just kinda a an extremist yet some how easy going all accepting guy who loves friends family and my dogs ... im up for just about any experience i havent had yet . you up to something interesting? let me know ! i love and hate simualtaniously..and i cant spell for shit !

My Interests

my son devin ! cooking , chihuahua,s tattoos guys with tattoos , chihua hua tattoos poetry,guys who write poetry about chihua hua tattoos, body piercing , parolies (hot )art, nutrition,sprituality and just about any thing bizare and my son devin

I'd like to meet:

my son devin ,my reason to live.... just met him !the rest of you pale in comparison!


everything from Johnny Cash to Tori Amos ...tool to madonna diamanda galas to sinead oconor . THRILL KILL KULT ,SAUL WILIAMS .. SAGE FRANCIOUS, patsy cline the list goes on


dancer in the dark . pricilla queen of the desert they once were wariors , natural born killers,TARNATION(im in it) all things john watres and any thing with johnny depp


i love greys anatomy


GEEK LOVE ,MORPHINE TO CHOCOLATE,BOY TO MAN,SOFT MANIACS, HEX(IM in this too)IN THE HOUSE OF SLAVES (great poetry form an asian prostitute)bla bla bla


devin ray mathieu [my son ] melisa clark [devins mom ]

My Blog

devin {pardon me for gushing}

i  could  never  imagine  a  joy  greater  than   knowing  you . the  missing  piece  of  my heart  that is  now  c...
Posted by tat2edlvboy on Mon, 21 May 2007 09:29:00 PST

my son

never has   a  light   shown  so   bright  through the dark  , until  you    came  into my  life  . nothing  s...
Posted by tat2edlvboy on Sun, 06 May 2007 04:52:00 PST

praha day spa closes

ok   so  the new day  spa  i  went t o   work   at  closed  due  to the  fact  that   most  of   the...
Posted by tat2edlvboy on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:34:00 PST

my leaving toni and guy

after 14 years of dedication and hard work for toni and guy i leave with no regrets i will miss my t&G friends many of them have watched me grow up the divorce ,contrary to...
Posted by tat2edlvboy on Sun, 21 May 2006 08:10:00 PST