Martial Arts, film, learning more about the world around me, anime, reading, writing, figuring out life.
Myself from the future, any fellow martial arts enthusiast (it would be great to meet a elderly, grey haired, chinese kung fu master) Asian women, and whoever will listen.
Wow, I have a pretty wide range of interest when it comes to music, just don't force me to listen to country for too long...I get nervous and a little paranoid!
Once again I have a wide range of interst when it comes to movies. But I do watch alot of Hong Kong action, and I have a great collection of old school kung fu. I have a large collection of movies that fluctuates because people find themselves welcome to keep alot of my big deal.
Not real big on network television. I did get into The Unit and a few other sit coms lately. Can't get enough Family Guy.
I will read anything I can get my hands on that will not make me fall asleep.