Wraith profile picture


Suck my Aura

About Me

Full Name: Robyn Patricia Fitkin
Date of Birth: 9/1/82
Height: 5'8"
Location: Richardson, Texas
Eye Color: Blue and gold
Hair Color: black and red
Skin Tone: Fuckin pale
Basics About You
Favorite Color: PURPLE
Favorite Food: Crab legs
Favorite Candy: Watermelon push pops
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Place to go: Anywhere with the people I care about
Favorite Time of Day: I love the night life, I love to boogie
Favorite Sport: I like the mavs *damn you Kelley*
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? As long as Danny is there anywhere is fine
What do you want to be when you Grow Up? An FX Make-up Artist
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? An Actress, Singer, monster, storm chaser, astronaut, viking, pirate, sorceress. I still kinda wanna be a storm chaser and ya know being a sorceress would have its advantages haha
Do you consider yourself a generous person? Sometimes too much for my own good
Cat or Dog person? both but I lean more to my kitties
What school subject did you like best? Science *sings bill nye theme to self*
What do you drink most often? Water
Do you drink alcohol? Sometimes
Are you a smoker? Nope :)
Are you a homebody or do you like to go out a lot? Depends on my mood but usually a homebody but I do get stir crazy after awhile
When you do go out do you prefer a small get together or a huge bash? Once again depends on my mood but I prefer small gatherings most of the time.
What are you most afraid of? Tight Crowds and 18 wheelers Oh and of the blue and pink bunny-squrriels ( Damn you Scooter hahahaha! )
Do you ever want to be married? Yes
Do you want kids? Yes
Have you ever broken someones heart? Sadly yes
Are you Spiritual, Religious, or neither? Spiritual
Sadist, Masochist, neither? Switch
Do you fall in love easily? Depends on the person but usually no.
My name is Robyn and this is my about me. Are you excited yet? Yeah me neither but go ahead and continue reading anyways. Well let's see, I have many varied interests and tastes. I am an extremely avid reader of almost anything I can get my hands on. I am very open-minded and I like diversity. I sing in the shower and I dance in the kitchen. My favorite color is purple and I collect western dragons and rocks. I don't drive heh. I have a bit of a learning disability when it comes to spelling but that does not mean I lack intelligence or wit. It does mean I use spell check quite often. I care an incredible amount for my friends and I enjoy people with humor and brains, sweet juicy BRAAAAINS er.... I am a hyper weirdo sometimes. My friends call it dementia, I call it amusing myself. I tend to get along better with men so the majority of my friends are male. I can deal with alot of things from people but lying to me is an instant deal breaker. I have a very spontaneous nature and like the freedom to indulge it. I.E. I do strange things at random times. I can be the girl you want to know has your back in a fight or the one you want to curl up with and be sappy. I am a hopeless romantic with a rough edge. I am not computer savvy at all. My tastes run from elegant to trashy. I love thrift store shopping, nights spent with friends, fetish, Science, horror movies, humor, paranormal, music, ect. I want to start school soon if it is possible and I dream of being a professional FX make-up artist. I also have fun doing plus size pin-up/fetish modeling. Sorry about the incoherent mess that is my "about me". I will warn you in advance if you don't know me and send me a message the first time you will more than likely get a one word responce. That is of course if you aren't witty. You gotta give me something to work with people!
If I sound like your sort of friend please feel free to add me unless I am just supposed to be part of your creepy myspace girl collection. o_O I also appreciate a cordial message telling me why you choose to add me (not a requirement but it shore is friendly of ya). If you send me anything along the lines of," i thnk ur hott!!! maybee we shold huk up sometme" I will not add you!. :)
Robyn will go to jail for ...
Quoting the Marquis de Sade to some school children
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Fuck Yes!
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My Interests

FX make up, roleplaying, horror movies, fire, music, cats, paranomal studies and ghost hunting, spirituality, working with Thrillvania, camping, sideshows, photography, acting, dark ages, dragons, history, alternative fashion, cosmetology, people, animals, science, BDSM, Fire play, blood play, silk, leather, vintage, old-movies, sci-fi/fantasy and horror novels, reading in general, road trips, exploring, being lost, theatre, opera, museums, anime, a-kon, random other things, just ask because there is always more than what I remember to put down.

I'd like to meet:

.. I had to add that. Reminds me of some friends o' mine.

Deformed Messiah: i've never seen that
SadisticWraith: well you just suck then
SadisticWraith: :P
Deformed Messiah: if by suck you mean rule with an ironfist then yes...i do indeed suck
SadisticWraith: no i mean you suck as in on your knees in an alley behind a seafood shack for $4.23
Deformed Messiah: hey thats just mean....
Deformed Messiah: i always get atleast a 10 out of it
SadisticWraith: Hey I atleast dug the change out for you too.
SadisticWraith: Sorry it wasen't a whole quarter
Deformed Messiah: bring penny wrappers next time
Deformed Messiah: that dollar of pennys duct taped into a little ball wasnt as cute as one might think

Of course not even five minutes later Brandon confesses to me... Deformed Messiah: i'd smoke cow spunk if i knew how o_o

lotusboy101: I would describe what I have as nymphomania, yes.
lotusboy101: What do they do for nymphos? Because, it's like, you can't have a nymphomaniacs anonymous, because the whole group session thing would just turn into an orgy.
lotusboy101: "Hi, my name is Malcolm, I'm addicted to sexual behavior, and I want the girl two chairs over to blow me."

GothicFrostBite: I've found out that when I'm not on my meds and I cum, its ten times more intense then ever!
SadisticWraith: Yeah well mental drugs have sexual side effects supposedly... I just like to think that crazy people have better sex. :P
SadisticWraith: I don't know why doctors seem to think giving depressed people antidepressants with sexual side effects is a good idea.
SadisticWraith: Not being able to have sex has gotta make ya really wanna kill yourself.
GothicFrostBite: In a way its good if you are with someone who cums really quickly.
SadisticWraith: Yeah the guy getting off too fast is prolly what started it...
KID- "Doc my dick squirts too quick. No one will sleep with me twice! I am gonna kill myself!"
DOC- "Here kid take these and if you can get yer willy into dance mode it will NEVER squirt!"
KID- "Yay! ............ wait a minute...."
GothicFrostBite: lol
SadisticWraith: KID- "Well fuck too quick er be fucked right mister?"
SadisticWraith: SATAN- "I will give you a long lasting squirter for your immortal soul."
SadisticWraith: KID- "Now there's a deal!"
SadisticWraith: And that was the begining of emo
SadisticWraith: MWAHAHAHA
GothicFrostBite: yep
SadisticWraith: Depressed kids who sold their souls for long lasting squirters only to find out that Satan ment a shiny plastic super soaker!
SadisticWraith: damn that emo music.

[11:32] SadisticWraith: My friend Kelly loves me!
[11:32] neuromanced: everyone should
[11:32] SadisticWraith: She's going to try and take me out for pizza!
[11:33] SadisticWraith: That's love.
[11:33] neuromanced: how bout love from like 6000 miles away ? :-D
[11:34] SadisticWraith: Does it involve pizza?

SadisticWraith: so what are you studying?
maliciousJS: going for my B.S in information systems
SadisticWraith: HAHAHAHAHA

SadisticWraith: blah, all us women folk want to be found attractive but don't want that to be the sole reason anyone is talking to us.
SadisticWraith: when will men learn huh? WHEN WILL THEY LEARN!
scruffington_denatsate: When they're castrated?
SadisticWraith: O_o Well that takes away the point in finding that one special guy who likes you for who you are more than your appearance but would still shag ya rotten huh?
scruffington_denatsate: I suppose so.
scruffington_denatsate: Ok, fine. One ball removal.
SadisticWraith: So is that what it is really like being a married man?
scruffington_denatsate: That was nothing. I've gotten more painful shots.
SadisticWraith: Hahaha Awesome.

These are some good friends. If you amuse me as much as them welcome to my "Who I'd Like to Meet" list.

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My top whatever changes deal with it :P


Heavy metal, gothic, industrial, electronic, classic rock, funk, blues, 80's, rockabilly, psychobilly, classical, opera, punk, jazz, video games haha, Death Metal, Black Metal, and anything that strikes my fancy.

Tom Waits


Weird Al

Check out these guys!


Way too many to name! No not manos the hands of fate again!Horror


80's & 90's cartoons, old nick stuff like Pete & Pete and Salute Your Shorts, the scfi channel, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, Forensic shows, the young ones, Rome, Munsters, Adams Family, old classics, Wrasslin' yeah I said it, anything on the science channel and on most of the other discovery channels, HGTV, random.


How long do you have? I am a huge book worm. My favorite authors are Piers Anthony... Poppy Z. Brite, and Caitlin R. Kiernan.


Steal? Steal? You mistake us, sir! We do not steal! We liberate. We pilfer. We purloin and even filch. But we do not steal! -- Fafhrd the Red -- Swords Against the Shadowland

The way nature should have intended it. A chainsaw for a hand and the other wielding a shotgun.
Hail to the king baby!

Paul for being in the right place at the right time. Thanks sugar. If it weren't for you my face would prolly have been smashed in again.

And Theo for being the best gay husband I have ever had and never met. Love you dollface :*

My Blog

Fun with Photo Editing

Me - Stacy - Derrek - Myssica Attack de black man! Stacy - Brandon Engaged awwwMe - Alex Not engaged just takin' a pic hahahaAlisha - Me She is responcible for the memorial picsMe - Jeremy He's awesom...
Posted by Wraith on Thu, 04 May 2006 05:20:00 PST

Shout to the hills!

    For those who haven't heard...               I am engaged!   And no we haven't planned the wedding yet.  We both want to finish school f...
Posted by Wraith on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 08:28:00 PST

Thrillvania Picture Blog 2006!

Here is the much awaited Thrillvania blog... I hope you enjoy... Feel free to comment and don't forget to check back every so often as I will try and add more pictures..... WraithChatting before workZ...
Posted by Wraith on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 08:04:00 PST

Oh yes this is where my life is leading...

Welcome aboard the bus to Hell.  We will be making stops at connecting terminals in Limbo, Purgatory, and Hades.  We will have a brief lay over at the River Styx where Charon will ferry...
Posted by Wraith on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 12:12:00 PST

I love it when...

...people actually read my profile information.     So thank you to those of you who do it!   :)    ...
Posted by Wraith on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 06:34:00 PST

Random pictures of whatnot.

Thrillvania time Woo!Casket Girl photo shoot Alex made me do it I swear!Casket Girl photo shoot Jimi I shoulda stolen yer hat!Casket Girl Photo Shoot I am straight I promiseCasket Girl photo shoot Edi...
Posted by Wraith on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:04:00 PST

Have a little Billie...

Sunday is gloomy,My hours are slumberless,Dearest the shadowsI live with are numberlessLittle white flowers willnever awaken youNot where the black coachof sorrow has taken youAngels have no thought o...
Posted by Wraith on Thu, 18 May 2006 05:20:00 PST

Adam Shackelford's Memorial Services and Convoy Pics

Thank you Alisha for the wonderful Pictures! To see ALL pictures click loop...
Posted by Wraith on Wed, 03 May 2006 04:11:00 PST

Adam Shackelford R.I.P

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendID=3793205&ifid=3793205&indicate=2 My friend Adam passed away in his sleep last night.  He will be truely missed...
Posted by Wraith on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 05:01:00 PST


I had someone tell me today that they thought it was strange that I refuse to compete for "male attention."  The girl who told me this added that she loves it.  She likes feeling jealous and...
Posted by Wraith on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:48:00 PST