Ms Hazel Lee profile picture

Ms Hazel Lee

Elusive Dreaming.....................

About Me

Sidekick of Spencer J Cashmere, wife of John 'Wayne' Blunders and mother to our ever growing brood. I make the finest 'Sweet Chilli Jam' in all this county, I am handy with a needle and thread and I can swing a saucepan so hard it can knock a man clean off his feet. I can also talk the leg off a chair.CURRENT MOON moon phase info You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

Art Nouveau, Art Deco, 1920's, Bohemian Paris, Voudou, vintage clothing, costuming, doll making, feathers, peacocks & chickens, cottage gardens & tea parties, vegie gardens & raw food, fairies & folk tales, Isis, Pan, herbs, patchouli & musk rose, homeopathy & herbal concoctions, tonics & pills, antique furniture,pond & lakes, sylphs, nymphs, merfolk, Naga Kanya, Victoriana, books, records & silent films, Classical Indian/ Bollywood dance, ATS Dancing & Tribal Fusion, art, family and friends feasting & dancing, making music & love

I'd like to meet:

Marie LaVeau, Tia Dalma, Sara Bernhardt Theda Bara, Rosaleen Norton Barbara Hulanicki, Ruth St Denis, Norman Lindsay, Alphonse Mucha, my neighbours, Peter Cundell ( my garden guru),Racheal Brice & the Indigo, magic makers, other doll makers, art makers, music makers & storytelling people. And those who dwell in the Land of Fae.


Ms Holly Golightly,Wendy Rule, Bessie Smith, Kerri Simpson,Emiliana Torrini, Ms Newsome & Mr Banhart, Blanche, Cash/Carter, Lee/Nancy, Tom Waits,60's Garage, Psych,Rockabilly, Hillbilly, Billy Childish, Billy Holiday,Folk, Jazz & Swing, far too many.


Silent movies,Cult classic, foreign, Bollywood esp Devdas, Tim Burton, John Waters, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Caberet,Amelie, The Party,The Great Gatsby,Elizabeth, Dangerous Liasons, Quills, A room with a View


None of these are on anymore but when they were I loved :Addams Family, The Munsters, Prisoner,HR Pufnstuff, Bewitched, The Archies,


My Homeopathy Textbooks, Spell Books, Art & Ancient History Fairies, Mythology & Goddess based texts, Zimmer-Bradley, Juliette Marieller, Anais Nin Woolf, Plath, Sackville-West, Wilde, Parker, Austen. Women who run with Wolves, Fearless Girls, The CrucibleARTISTS; Alphonse Mucha, Beardsley, Klimt, Norman Lindsay, Mark Ryden, Liz McGrath, Ray Caesar, Dame Darcy, Froud


All of those women who have discovered and kept alive the ways of the ancients, esp those who lost their lives in doing so!

My Blog

Who I'd like to meet

How fortunate I am to have finally met someone in my "Who I would like to meet list". Seeing as most of them are dead, it is not hard to guess.  I had the pleasure of seeing the one of the most ...
Posted by Ms Hazel Lee on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 09:48:00 PST

The mark of the Devil?

This site has been driving us and the kid's mad all day. So if you can, we want to hear from you. I am sure mathematics will explain it, but we are sure it's Satan's work here in Spencer & Hazel's...
Posted by Ms Hazel Lee on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 04:37:00 PST

Karena's Pics

New photo's of Nervo- Rama by our No1 Gig Photographer, Ms Karena Hoyer. Thanks Mam!!
Posted by Ms Hazel Lee on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 02:45:00 PST

Nervo- Rama

Don't forget to come and have great night of Cool Country and Garage punk mixed together with the sounds of DJ skip. Hazel and Spencer are the fabulous divorced duo who will sing about your sorro...
Posted by Ms Hazel Lee on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 05:18:00 PST