Sports ... my son's baseball .. daughter's track .. the Buckeyes / the Bengals .... Song writing ..guitar hacking .. computer recording (Cubase) .. biblical prophecy .. conservative politics .. the HISTORY CHANNEL and A&E ..... reading history ..
....Number 1 with a Bullet --- Jesus !
But if we restrict the talent pool to the eartlhy type and now sorta personnel ....Dick Cheney / Rob Jungklas / Dwight Yoakam / Mutt Lang / Keith Richards (just to see if he IS alive) / Jesse James Dupree (& chainsaw) / Bill O'Reilly / Bobby Pinson / Jenifer Aniston ..hey it's MY list !! / Dubbya / John Kasich / Walter Williams / Dr. J / Hank Jr. / Hank III / Bobby Knight / Pete Rose / Kenny Anderson / Every Gulf War Vet / Every Viet Nam Vet / Steven Tyler / Ted Nugent / Paul Stanley / Geddy Lee / Jeffery Steele / Every Living memeber of Lynyrd Skynyrd / Big / Rich / Montgomery / Gentry / Hal Lindsey / Haley Barbour / AJ Hawk /
- Get Your Own
Oh yea Baby this list is going to be Eclectic ..... KISS... Hayseed Dixie / ALT Country ... Cash / Yoakam / Pinson / Nichols / Chesney / AC/DC / JACKYLL / HAIR METAL !! ...POWER BALLADS ...ELVIS ... Bocephus... Warren Zevon ...anything with a LES Paul or a STRAT played LOUD ... I LIKE JERRY LEE LEWIS ..... I LIKE A B3 ORGAN .... ROB JUNGKLAS is the BEST thing You've NEVER heard ...... I HAVE "DAMN YANKEES" in the CD player right now !! .... I just purchased the complete Talking Heads .... Bobby Pinson writes songs about MY life ..The Darkness is Cool ! ... Buckcherry ... I seriously think Sebastian Bach should have a damn talk show, sort of "Springer from "hell" ..... so you might say I'm a little all over the place !! But it's Cool !!!!!!!!
"Blazing Saddles" ... is there another ?? "The Thing" (with Kurt Russel)... "Used Cars" ..."Animal House" .... guess you can see the trend here, "Rio Grande", "Rio Bravo", ... John Wayne anything ... (a mans man !)
"Dirty Harry", "Fist full of Dollars", ... Clint's Westerns and most of his cop shoot'em up's ....Too many classics like that to name !
Nick Martin Music.
I still "Dream of Jeanie" .... I like the UFO stuff on the learning channel, history channel stuff, A&E, the Civil War Stuff ... I'm in to learning anything I don't know about... anything I care to know about !!! .... I also like the RED NECK Comedy Crap ..... what can I say ... I AM A HILL JACK !!
"The Frontiersman" .... Eckhart, Allan .... read the whole series and learn about what really brought america to it's immenseness.......... who's blood purchased what .....
Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, Tecumseh, Daniel Boone, Simon Kenton, Patrick Henry, George Patton, Ethan Allan, Gus Grissom, George Custer, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Davy Crockett, Lewis & Clark, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Sam Grant, William Sherman, Audey Murphy, Alvin York,
Ben Franklin, .... every man, woman, and boy who has done there duty for the United States of America when their Country has called on them. Everyone who has stood for righteousness and godliness when faced with certain death, these are the real hero's. Too many to name ... All must be remembered in our prayers.
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