Writing, Reading, Music, Laughing, TALKING, Photography and being a SMARTASS.
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There are too many to list right now. I have been listening to Sugarcult's new CD, Fall Out Boy, The Vibrants, The Smiths and The Who. I make a playlist for everything I write and these are the ones that get me in the right frame of mind for this project.
Twin Town, Up in Smoke (has never stopped making me laugh), The Guatemalan Handshake....You know, only the best educational informative films for me!
RESCUE ME! I love Denis Leary! Oh, and ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. If you haven't seen it I suggest you do so immediately. I never sleep so I will tend to leave it on court tv or MTV (not much difference there, huh?). I am also amused by old british comedies like ARE YOU BEING SERVED.--Hilarious!
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee, THE OUTSIDERS by S.E. Hinton made me want to be a writer, LOOKING FOR ALASKA by John Green, ONE OF THOSE HIDEOUS BOOKS WHERE THE MOTHER DIES by Sonya Sones, All of the Souther Sisters murder Mysteries by Anne George, Anything by Diana Wynne Jones, and my all time favorite...To Kill A Mockingbird. This is a short list and to tell the truth, every book I read is my new favorite. Poetry makes me very happy also.
I can think of more inspirations than heros. But extremely happy people really piss me off.