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Erstelle Deine eigene Slideshow Alle Fotos ansehenWha gwaan deh? Me send yuh some greetings outta Villach a.k.a. Chillach inna Austria! Blessings aan nuff respect fi aal people visiting my profile!Me also send blessings to aal people believing in me.Some special persons me wish aal di best fi di future aan me hope aal their dreams will become true. Good luck.Finally me wanna give thanx to Jah, my family aan friends fi standing by my side in beautiful and also hard times.

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Jamaican music, Percussion, Family, Friends,...

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Dancehall, Ragga, Reggae, Roots Reggae,... Ska, Rock


Von Babylon nach Afrika, The first Rasta, The Prophet, Siddharta


The two persons who gave me the possibility to live!

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Oft müssen wir die Dinge so nehmen, wie sie kommen....auch wenn wir wissen, dass es uns irgendwann einholen wird. Dann müssen wir stark sein und einsehen, dass alles seinen Sinn hat. Das Schicksal hat...
Posted by jahlina on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 09:50:00 PST