Member Since: 3/23/2006
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Sounds Like:
can you hear my thoughts over the sound of the beach.
are the seabirds flying just above the clamor?
a thousand hammers block our beautiful conversation
as they pound the sand and brand the words with (swishes and) misinformation
The moons pull releases its swelling servant
and the beach climbs out of the ocean grain at a time.
and our island gets bigger like a canvas unrolling.
I think I hear you now love is in your language
(but the rest is still messed in the surf like our foot prints from yesterday)
the gulls can see the patterns that we rolled into the sand
like ancient letters only we can understand.
endless sand dunes from this birds eye view
tell the story of our love affair and how rare this pair.
As we send our audio signals into oblivion something comes back
Its the feeling of agreement and harmonic resolution
though the words are lost at sea I can see from your crooked smiles
for a hundred miles you love me.
(now) the sun sets and the haze of the waves settles down(to the horizon)
Though the blood is still raging in my heart burning red like your hair
our voices carry and bury any confusion, confirm the allusion
and feed our dreams with wishes fulfilled.
©2006 Doug Graham All Rights Reserved.