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I am here for Networking

About Me
Essential information for an informed debate on cannabis policy.
Cannabis activism information and resources.

Cannabis Information Handouts

The report by the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, 2002

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Canadian Foundations for Drug Policy

Educators for Sensible Drug Policy

Cannabis Link

My Interests

Mason Tvert (SAFER) debates CO Atty General john Suthers!

Watch the Debate

The Drug Truth Network
New shows every Friday.


Cultural Baggage
Show date: 09/29/06

• Mason Tvert, of Colorado SAFER organization, dicusses his debate with Colorado Attorney General John Suthers.

• Kinky Friedman, Texas politician, running for Governor - endorse cannabis decriminalization.

• Jesse Ventura discusses U.S. drug policy

.. Listen to the MP3

Dutch coffeeshop cannabis info card

Canadian cigarette warning label - yearly deaths

Worldwide cannabis seizures by country

Comparison of alcohol and marijuana

Comparison of the toxicity of various substances

Dutch vs. U.S. cannabis use rates

The harms caused by cannabis prohibition are ignored by policy makers

I'd like to meet:

Quality over quantity... people who are genuinely interested in making some effort to end the harmful, expensive, and counter-productive policy of cannabis prohibition.

Want to get involved but don't know where to start?

Have a cannabis activism-related idea but need some help with planning?

Contact me.

Here is a list of Activism Ideas


Sensible Advice for Cannabis Consumers

The properties of Cannabis (hashish & marijuana) have been known in many cultures for years.
Cannabis is made from a plant called Hemp.
It makes you feel cheerful and relaxed.
The effects of Cannabis last between 2 and 4 hours.

Just like other stimulants, Cannabis can be abused which is why the following tips are important.

1. There are big differences between various types of Cannabis: some are stronger than others. Experienced smokers feel when they've had enough and are able to stop at that moment. When you smoke for the first time you don't yet know your limits.

2. If you have little experience with Cannabis, it is inadvisable to drink alcohol at the same time.

3. When Cannabis is burnt, substances are released which are harmful to your health (tar & carbon monoxide), therefore when you smoke Cannabis mixed with tobacco you also run the risks associated with smoking tobacco.

4. Cannabis influences your power of concentration. Don't use it at school, at work or before driving.

5. If you take medication make sure you ask your Doctor if it is also OK to smoke Cannabis. Don't use Cannabis when you are pregnant.

6. If you eat food products made with Cannabis (cookies, brownies), keep in mind that it takes about 45 - 90 minutes before its takes effect. Be patient and don't take another piece because by the time you've realized that you've had too much -- its too late!

7. Sometimes the effect of Cannabis isn't so pleasant. It can make you feel sick or frightened and want to withdraw to a quiet place.

8. Don't use Cannabis to avoid problems. If you smoke everyday, try to go a few days per week without.

9. Don't take any Cannabis with you when you travel to another country.

Final Remark: You can smoke Cannabis on and off just for fun. You may even smoke every day or decide not to smoke at all. In the end its up to you whether you deal with Cannabis in a sensible way or not.

My Blog

Know Your Rights!

Be prepared... Learn about your rights BEFORE you need to protect them! ...
Posted by FrankD on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 05:39:00 PST

Turn Off Your TV

Turn Off Your TVAn excerpt from the movie "Network"...
Posted by FrankD on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 07:04:00 PST

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North AmericaVideo clip: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North AmericaMore info:The Plan to Replace the Dollar With the 'Amero'
Posted by FrankD on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 10:17:00 PST

Pentagon sets its sights on social networking websites

A recent article in New Scientist magazine. Important information everyone needs to be aware of.New Scientist web site---Pentagon sets its sights on social networking websites09 June 2006NewScientist....
Posted by FrankD on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 01:42:00 PST


LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION (LEAP)www.leap.ccPlease watch this video. This organization is doing some very important work...Get this video and more at
Posted by FrankD on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 11:25:00 PST

Sensible Advice for Cannabis Smokers

Promoting responsible use is important to attract more mainstream support for the cause...Sensible Advice for Cannabis Smokers The properties of Cannabis (hashish & marijuana) have been known in many ...
Posted by FrankD on Mon, 22 May 2006 05:56:00 PST

Hacking and spam on MySpace

Some tips I received in a bulletin and thought it was worth more you may know, there is a lot of hacking and spam going around myspace lately. there's no need to panic, but it's become i...
Posted by FrankD on Sun, 21 May 2006 07:44:00 PST