Strawberry Blonde is Anja & Betina Følleslev. Twins and musical companions. They have turned 27, and are ready with their own original material. The genre is melodic pop with a touch of rock, singer/songwriter and country.***
The girls have worked together on music for many years, they have performed, written lyrics and composed melodies, but it is only within the past 2-3 years they have called themselves Strawberry Blonde. A name that originates from their natural hair color which is strawberry blonde. In the past, many genres have been seeked out, but today Strawberry Blondes ambitions are to perform, and to do so with their own original material. ***
Strawberry Blonde has toured around Denmark since 2005, with both acoustic concerts, and with full band, and they have received very positive responses on their performances and their songs. ***
Strawberry Blonde is from Odense, and they are active in Songwriters Circle, which actively supports original music by arranging concerts at Jazzhus Dexter and special workshops for songwriters. Contact: [email protected]
Strawberry Blonde "I'm low"
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I am low - Live at Berlin Guitars Feb 2007
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