someone who can keep up with me and slow me down...nothing helpsshy locki'd love to tell you
i'm devastated. at least something more
than mildly surprised
it took this long
to lose me. but all the
heartfelt dramatics
of done
are a my indian gift
to you. and our lovely
studio audience.
and so to all i say
get well soon, darling.
as you impale her to your headboard,
(cue the laugh track)
despise me if you must. as your fingers run her
thru. hold my skull in your right hand
and her vibrator in your left and
parley to her in thrusting breaths
the gehenna of loving
an imposter.
a child. ask her
if you should miss me
as you pound her face
into the sham. let your stars and rosies tell
you the truth about disaster:
my icicle smile, pointed nose
and gnarled fingertips
tap tapping in delight to the prerecorded
yelps of an untuned
accelerator. drowning
apologies in my wake. but my truth
is less benign:
blame yourself
for my death. blame me
for yours. for
snuffing out the tiniest
spark of hope
nurtured in the compost
of your life experiences.
an elaborate facefuck
was it to have thought
love was more
than the opposite of lonely.
i've seen my end in the crystal balls
between your legs
between your lashes and its not
of castles and arabs and
figs, as such patience exceeds
your very best. my love
will be the last one out.
the single clap.
the one
who looks me hard in the eyes
and waits
to lap up the last bit of life
as my soul
exits the cat(aurora)
adopt your own virtual pet!
Dean Martin, Miles Davis, Jill Scott, Flogging Molly are all in the rotation...
Boondock Saints, Paper Moon, The Sword In the Stone, Black Sheep:::
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. -- William Shakespeare, "The Tempest"The road goes on forever and the party NEVER ENDS! --Robert Earl Keen
Take the quiz:
What NCAA Basketball superstar r u? (w/pics)
J.J Reddick
My man J.J. you're the best 3 point shooter int he history of the NCAA. You can shoot from anywhere on the court
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!