About Me
Hello, im owen, pleased to meet you, my story started back in 1979, margaret thatcher was the new prime minister and the eighties were about to commence, I was born in an operating theatre in portsmouth on april the twelth, I had an idylic childhood in a sleepy village called buriton http://www.buriton.org.uk roughly fifteen miles north of portsmouth, days would be spent running through the local forests with mates playing war games, IT and stuff like that, anyways at the start of the nineties i went to school in the local market town of petersfield, that takes us up to 1995, alas i got some shitty G.C.S.E's but i was still able to go to college in the nearby town of waterlooville, I spent two years there working toward a BTEC national in health and science. Midway through 1997 now and I managed to get into the university of surrey in guildford to study nursing, alas I realised that it wasn't for me so I quit that autumn, I then spent the rest of the year bumming about looking for jobs, a job eventually came up at the start of 1998, working in operating theatres in portsmouth as a health care support worker (basically a theatre grunt), I did an N.V.Q level two in operating theatre practise for eighteen months, basically learning the ropes! then midway through 1999 I started my N.V.Q level three training, training to be an operating department practitioner (O.D.P) I did this for two years and successfully qualified in june 2001, henceforth i started a year long nightschool access course in history while working as a full time O.D.P in portsmouth (I've even worked in the same room i was born in, with the same anaethetist who was present at my birth, weird huh). During that year i assisted anaethetists with anaesthetics, which involves checking the anaesthetic machine, getting drugs ready yada yada, Lots of people ask me about this and i make the analogy that an anesthetic is much like an airline flight, the only time the pilot does anything is during landing and take off, the rest of the time is spent sitting around letting the plane fly by wire, similarly in an anaesthetic the two most dangerous points where you do the stuff is during induction and emergence from anaesthesia, and half the job involves untangling monitoring cables, anyway, i digress, as is my wont sometimes =p, so yeah, i applied to go to the university of manchester in 2002 and was successfull, and in september 2002 I moved into halls of residence at the university, I actually moved into flat 21 in bowden court (grosvenor) but i pretty much stayed in flat 10 the party flat with matt whitticker et al, the first year was mental, much boozing ensued and we even made a beercan washing line in between our flat and flat seven, in the second year i moved in with the flat 10 boys in victoria park near rusholme, and the house partys were crazed beer soaked affairs in which probably over one hundred people turned up, Iv'e also become a keen fan of performance, manchesters new electro pop band and I've met so many wonderfull people, including the folk off the cooper temple board message board (hi guys *waves*) so i guess thats my long, drawn out, convoluted story, as a footnote I would add that i spend my life in a state of near constant sedation and that my musical taste has been altered beyond all recognition by university, i used to be your classic indie kid and was even veering into the realms of neuvo jazz on the thrill jockey label, but these days im more into electro and punk, I help my housemate jake out with his new night called barbed wire kisses at the retro bar up here once a month, so yeah, guess thats it really, want to know anything else please don't hesitate to bulletin me, love as always. Owen xxxxxxxx
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