CURRENT MOON lunar phases
Interesting people with sense of humor.
Mercury Rev, Depeche Mode, Psychic tv, Throbbing Gristle, System of a down, Broadcast, Pulp, Kula Shaker, Fabrizio De Andrè, Daft Punk, Baustelle, Joy Division, Diamanda Galas, Aphex Twin, Ladytron, Mike Patton, Beatles, Vinicio Capossela, Franco Battiato, Pixies, Death in Vegas, Cocorosie, Air, Belle and Sebastian, Jane's Addiction, Beastie Boys, David Bowie, Beck, Bloc Party, Radiohead, The Organ, !!!, Clinic, Nick Cave, Nouvelle Vague, Kraftwerk, Primal Scream, Blonde Redhead, Eagles of Death Metal, Autechre, Tv on the radio... etc. etc.
Now listening:
and all my musical friends
David Lynch - Federico Fellini - Lars Von Trier - David Cronenberg - François Truffaut - Stanley Kubrick - Jan Svankmajer - Quentin Tarantino - Tim Burton - Darren Arnofsky
Recently seen:
Pan's Labyrinth
Little Miss Sunshine
Nero Criminale (Le belve sono tra noi)
Marie Antoinette
Dharma & Greg
Family Guy
Twilight Zone
Dion Fortune * Herman Hesse * Robert Anton Wilson, Illuminati Trilogy * Kafka * Le Petit Prince * George Orwell, 1984 * Dostoevskij * Philip K. Dick, Valis * Edgar Allan Poe * Oliver Sack, L'uomo che scambio sua moglie con un cappello * Stefano Benni * Jules Verne, Viaggio al centro della terra * Castaneda * Divakaruni, La maga delle spezie + Sorella del mio cuore * De Sade * J.T.Leroy, Ingannevole è il cuore più di ogni cosa + Sarah * Oscar Wilde * Arthur Rimbaud * Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Donne che corrono coi lupi * Terence McKenna, Vere allucinazioni * William Burroughs * Aleister Crowley, La figlia della luna
Now reading:
Illuminati Trilogy (II) ^_^
P.P. Pasolini & Maria Callas
R.W. Fassbinder & Hanna Schygulla
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Stewie Griffin
Alan Moore
Jean Cocteau
Jesus Christ