Literature, cinema, philosophy, religion, hiking, camping, politics, progressive thinking, etc.
People that are interesting, humorous and creative, and have honest, genuine things to say or do.
"WHICH POSTMODERN PHILOSOPHER ARE YOU?" You scored as Martin Heidegger. You're a Phenomenological Ontologist. You're a person that believes in searching for the meaning of Being. You believe that the human being is the being for whom Being is an issue. By examining human being you seek to uncover Being itself. You're a person that believes we classify objects by their function, and that community is essential. Once we are in a community, then it is possible for us to differentiate ourselves. You might also have a nifty moustache.
Martin Heidegger
Jacques Derrida
Friedrich Nietzsche
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Michel Foucault
Dr. Phil
Oprah Winfrey
Rock, Pop, Alternative, Trip Hop, Rhythm and Blues, Reggae, Soul, Folk, Classical, World Music, Hip Hop, etc. I like just about everything.
"What is Cinema? We might as well ask 'What is life?', for film, like life, is made of moments; moments in time, held aloft for our perusal, imprinted on our soul, and then brought back to us from time to time as a memory -- by an event, a vision, a sound, an emotion. The separation becomes trivial -- cinema is life, and life cinema: around us, beside us, inside us. The cinema, then, is not to be consumed with haste; films are not to be digested simply as they unfold, like some plastic wrapped fast food. Created by light and celluloid, they live only in our minds and in our hearts, savoured both during and after the fact. Projected onto the screen and into our consciousness, where they are replayed over and over -- continually re-discovered artefacts which are constantly changing us. What then can we say is truly real? A memory? An event? A celluloid image? The answer lies in the cinema. All is real. Nothing is impossible." - Glen Norton
I avoid watching TV as it seems to suck out my soul and leave me feeling hollow.
"Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them, but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents", Schopenhauer. Having said that, I love the writing of Breece D'J Pancake, a master of the short story, whose life was cut short by suicide at the age of 26. I also love the works of James Joyce, Toni Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut, Friederich Nietzsche, Wole Soyinka, Franz Kafka, Ray Bradbury, etc.
Anyone who, on a regular basis, faces opposition and resists it by doing the right thing...despite the odds. There are more heroes out there than which we are aware, who live heroically just by being true to themselves, quietly and steadfastly, without fanfare or recognition--those are my heroes.