Vladimir Bozar ’n’ ze Sheraf Orkestär profile picture

Vladimir Bozar ’n’ ze Sheraf Orkestär


About Me

Add to My Profile | More VideosFRENCH BIO Raoul petite, c'etait deja pris. Frank Zappa aussi. On a essaye mister Dungle, mais il paraissait que c'etait trop proche d'un groupe existant... On s'est dit qu'avec tant de pretentions , on pourrait s'appeler Sheraf, ben merde, en fait, y a beaucoup de pretentieux... Deja qu'a 34 mois, mon perimetre cranien etait de 53.5 cm, vous imaginez la suite... Bon ben, on a du talent, c'est tout, il ne faut pas lutter contre les bienfaits de la nature. Je m'aime l'infini plus un que toi V. BozarA KIND OF ENGLISH BIO Yes, you know, we are an international band, we have the class, it's incredible. Mister Tete de Bite alias MIA MAESTRO, sorry i am wrong she is the actress of a tv series(incredible too) , i wanted to say Dje was borned i don't know where and i don't care...that's boring a biographie(c est caca une biographie) and every body masturbate himself of that(tout le monde s'en branle) so in two words:just listen the music and say "c'est de la merde, ils essayent de pomper Mr Patton and i answer "no he is not gay" it's impossible to pompe him and de toute facon, his wife won't agree even if he is bourred. or sayyyyyyy:ouahou, that's trop coooooool, (cool se prononce de la meme maniere que les etudiants de la fac de lettre, n'oubliez pas de regarder vers le haut avec les yeux sans bouger la tete merci)(cool has to be pronouced as letter faculty student blablabla bliblibli)..
image hosting - GENERATE YOUR OWN WORLDMAP NOW!OK AN REAL ENGLISH BIO:HELLO people, you don't speak french?Ok, if you were able to understand french you'll see i only wrote stupidities.ok a boring bio:ok ok ok, i try a new bio:In 1999, B'h'z created "THE CHILDREN OF INVENTION" a tribute band to Zappa playing with Minarf, Cyrable d'heros and Seb from Vladimir Bozar and with a lot of others musicians. At the same moment, Pedral and Djé de Vence(from Vladimir Bozar) was playing in a Carnaval core band called "JEAN-PAUL TRASH".See the link on our myspace page. jean-Paul Trash died in 2003 'cause alcoohol is too expensive and i saw some documentaries where some people was telling it's not good for ealth. In I don't know when B'n'z, Mina created a band called "Marto Ventouz" with a double bass player JC allias(MERAKHAAZAN).All the link in our page.So, you mix all and in 2003, Vladimir Bozar was born.Fabulous bio isn't? I guess i am gonna write a book.YoupiiiiWe're working now to find the best people to record an album and the best label to feel freeeeeeeeeee.So, we re taking the time we need to do coherent things.AHAHAHHAHAHA

My Interests


Member Since: 3/20/2006
Band Website: zapinfrance.free.fr/FPN6/sheraf.html
Band Members: 1.B'h'z:DRUM(le mini Gainsbourg)myspace.com/benhouz 2.MINARF:BASSIST/VOCALS/KEYBOARD 3.CYRABLE D'HEROS:GUITARE/KAZOU/BACK http://www.fanezgaine.net 4.DJE DE VENCE:KEYBOARD/ELCTRO MACHINE 5.SEB:VIOLIN 6.PEDRAL:MOUTH NOISES(myspace.com/pedral)extrait groupe Vladimir Bozar ‘n’ ze Sheraf Orkestar

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Get this video and more at MySpace.com Vladimir Bozar live in Marseille

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Influences: MONEY
Sounds Like: I love cats
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

contest for artwok(our album)

Some people told us they’d like to work for the Artwork of our first album so we decided to create a contest.So, if our music inspire you and if you want to propose your work, let’s go!!!!...
Posted by Vladimir Bozar ’n’ ze Sheraf Orkestär on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:30:00 PST

First album

First album will be recorded at the Lino Ventura Studio in Nissa in march 2008 and will be mix at the Estradasphere studio in Seattle by Tim Smolens and Jason Schimmel in mayThis album will regroup ou...
Posted by Vladimir Bozar ’n’ ze Sheraf Orkestär on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:38:00 PST

"The children of invention" tribute band to Zappa(some musicians from Vladimir Bozar)

Posted by Vladimir Bozar ’n’ ze Sheraf Orkestär on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 10:09:00 PST