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No pop no style, I strictly roots

About Me

The best things in my life happen in my mind...
"On est bien peu de choses
et mon amie la rose me l'a dit ce matin.
Vois de dieu qui m'a faite.
M'a fait courber la tête.
Et je sens que je tombe.
Et je sens que je tombe
mon coeur est presque nu.
J'ai le pied dans la tombe.
Déjà je ne suis plus.
Tu m'admirais que hier.
Et je serais poussière.
Pour toujours demain."
"Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein
im kalten Polar,
dann müßte ich nicht mehr schrei..n,
alles wär so klar."

Do you like our owl?
It's artificial?
Of course it is.
Must be expensive.
"Relatively soon, I will die. Maybe in 20 years, maybe tomorrow, it doesn't matter. Once I am dead and everyone who knew me dies too, it will be as though I never existed. What difference has my life made to anyone. None that I can think of. None at all."

"It was me on that road
But you couldn't see me
Too many lights out, but nowhere near here
It was me on that road
Still you couldn't see me
And then flashlights and explosions
Roads are getting nearer
We cover distance but not together
I am the storm and I am the wonder
And the flashlights, nigthmares
And sudden explosions
I don't know what more to ask for
I was given just one wish."

La luna vino a la fragua
con su polizón de nardos.
El niño la mira, mira.
El niño la está mirando.
En el aire conmovido
mueve la luna sus brazos
y enseña, lúbrica y pura,
sus senos de duro estaño.
—Huye luna, luna, luna.
Si vinieran los gitanos,
harían con tu corazón
collares y anillos blancos.
—Niño, déjame que baile.
Cuando vengan los gitanos,
te encontrarán sobre el yunque
con los ojillos cerrados.
—Huye, luna, luna, luna,
que ya siento los caballos.
—Niño, déjame, no pises
mi blancor almidonado
El jinete se acercaba
tocando el tambor del llano.
Dentro de la fragua el niño
tiene los ojos cerrados.
Por el olivar venían,
bronce y sueño, los gitanos.
Las cabezas levantadas
y los ojos entornados.
¡Cómo canta la zumaya,
ay, cómo canta en el árbol!
Por el cielo va la luna
con un niño de la mano.
Dentro de la fragua lloran,
dando gritos, los gitanos.
El aire la vela, vela.
El aire la está velando.
"Lady of silences
Calm and distressed
Torn and most whole
Rose of memory
Rose of forgetfulness
Exhausted and life-giving
Worried reposeful
The single Rose
Is now the Garden
Where all loves end
Terminate torment
Of love unsatisfied
The greater torment
Of love satisfied
End of the endless
Journey to no end
Conclusion of all that
Is inconclusible
Speech without word and
Word of no speech
Grace to the Mother
For the Garden
Where all love ends."

My Interests

Novocaine, anesthesia... the feeling of being there but not really...

I'd like to meet:

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Yes, please

I invite you to visit my blog Ice Queens and read about my favourite female vocalists... you're welcome to leave feedback...

Oh, and then there's this...

and that ;-)


More Mark Rylance please

"The Earrings of Madame De...", a superb and elegant tragedy of forbidden love

"One, Two, Three", or James Cagney and Arlene Francis giving a lesson on comedy and timing

"Les Roseaux Sauvages", a beautiful and delicate coming-of-age story

"La Ciénaga" is something out of this world

"Institute Benjamenta" makes me hope every day that I don't ever lose my sight

"Daisies", a colorful Czech interpretation of French New Wave, and also a delicious audio-visual candy

"L'Année Dernière à Marienbad", or the perfect frame

"Black Narcissus", or conflicted nuns in Vermeer technicolor

"L'Avventura", beauty is best served cold

katrin, i will never forget you

Buñuel, Buñuel, and more Buñuel, please. And a cocktail of Hitchcock, Sturges and Fellini, amongst numerous others.


No, thank you


Saramago, Garcia Marquez, T.S. Eliot, Roald Dahl please


La Tieta... Conchita Prim... The doctor's wife... Birdie Num Num... Schlemmer and Fraulein Ingeborg... Hugh Laurie... Nuns... Sister Ruth... Elaine D'Astolat... Claudette Colbert... Cabiria... people who break the rules in general