Photography/Traveling/Sightseeing/Hiking/Sports/DVD/SNOW! Wait there's more...Bull-Riding/Poker/Cooking/LaCrosse and Architecture (bridges, tunnels, stadiums & skyscrapers). Here are a couple of aspirations I've always had. Whether I complete them or not is a different story. Travel to distant lands, defy gravity, learn a native tongue, serenade an audience, win an eating contest, watch Game 7 of a World Series in person, (ride/fight/or run with) a bull, and solve a rubixs cube.
If I haven't already met you, then you are the person I'd most like to meet, because then we would be friends...I could then put you on my list and categorize you and text you and blog you and and and... ***NOW SHOWING*** NOW SHOWING*** Currently working on the the NEW drama NEW AMSTERDAM showing on Fox this fall. So check it out! YOU JUST WATCHED THE VIDEO OF THE WEEK! TUNE IN NEXT TIME, RIGHT HERE FOR SOMETHING NEW & EXCITING! THANK YOU COME AGAIN...
When it comes to the tunes, I'm like the little kid who lost his popsicle. There is sooooo much out there to listen to and just not enough time.
I tend to enjoy films that require individuals to think about what they are watching, not your usual mindless popcorn-munching, teenie-bopper shows that are in theaters these days. So here we go with...Rushmore, Cool Hand Luke, The Usual Suspects, Spaghetti Westerns, Being John Malkovich, Classic John Carpenter, 70's Cinema (Serpico, Apocalypse Now, Deliverance, The Wicker Man, The Excorcist, Chinatown, The French Connection, Dog Day Afternoon, The Conversation), anything involving the Coen Brothers/William Friedkin/or Wes Anderson, Chuck Norris Action flicks, GodZilla monster movies, and American Ninja 1-5 to name a few.
One word, SPORTSCENTER! "Da-Na-Na, Da-Na-Na!!!"
Where the Wild Things Are, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Amelie Bedilia, The Hardy Boys, The Adventures of TinTin, Encyclopdia Brown, The Giver, and The name it and I chances are I probably read it! I was such a book worm when I was a little kid. Do you know how many free pizzas I got for reading all of these books? TONS!
Timothy Leroy Cloud for the brief time that I knew him. Some of my earliest memories are playing Nintendo with him and my siblings. Which brings me to Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of such classics as Super Mario Bros, Zelda, and Donkey Kong. It has been said that "Shigeru is to video gaming what John Lennon is to Music!"