Spiritualistic beings from Outer Space. Non-Aquarians (I don't know why but for some reason Aquarians and I don't get along..go figure) Philosophy, poetry, prose, E.A. Poe, Pondering the meaning of existence while smoking a cigarette lackadaisically, using big words, complimenting you on your exceptional taste in shoes, music, intelligent human beings that don't know how to let themselves be fake, seeking out and revolting against pretention like a modern day Che Guevera, writing my thoughts out for the world to see because having an audience who understands is better then having a shoulder to console you, touching, feeling, letting my eyes rest on someone who I've never met before and having them suddenly understand what I'm thinking, communication, decisiveness, California afternoons, being a chameleon, being socially inept and not apologizing for it, stumbling through the afternoon in a drunken haze because there's nothing better to do and T.V. bores me, engaging conversation, Girls with "naughty teacher" spectacles, Camel lights, summer nights, silly fights, thinking in rhymes, reading independant studies on things that have no bearing on my life, or the lives of others, throwing you the deuce, getting along with your parents better then you do, misappropriation of words, correcting your spelling errors, making you laugh when you're upset, thinking about my life as I drive down the highway with the radio turned all the way up, speakers blaring to the tune of my own cataclysmic existance, and Pie.
I've given up on the idea that there are people out there who are worth actually meeting in life, however if I could meet real life pedophiles I would probably kick them in the balls.
If I could meet real life pygmies then I would probably try and convince them to fight each other. If I could meet real people who weren't all bullshit then I'd rejoice.
And what the fuck is up with shitty myspace bands? I've had it up to my eyebrows with people who think that just because they possess an instrument and feel an urge to "play" (read: strum uselessly) it in the presence of other people that gives them the right to leave me comments about their "shows," (read: hipster fags everywhere) and where exactly in east bumblefuck they are going to be. I'm sick of it. The reality of the situation is that myspace following = failed musicianship. Unless you're MC Chris, who actually has an inkling of talent. All I'm saying, is that some people just need to give the fuck up and realize that they've gone from "Hip and trendy" to "sad and pathetic." Yep, it happens overnight.
Just a thought; I am happily married currently so if I send you a friend's request don't get the wild idea that I want to crawl between the sheets with you.
The Weepies, Antje Duvekot, The Coffeehouse on WERS, Sigur Ros, The Album Leaf, Band Of Horses, fuck it just check out my mp3s.
Spun was a trip. Although, I don't think you can mix an acid metaphor with a methamphetamine movie. I've also thoroughly enjoyed other movies, including some you've probably seen.
The food network pwns your ass.
Ender's Game - In fact Orson Scott Card is a motherfucking genius.
The guy who invented sarcasm. The Askaninja.com ninja. The guy who invented the retard helmet.