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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Kyle. I live life as if tomorrow will never come. I take every chance I get to meet new people and keep life fresh. Originally from Marble Falls (if you don't know where that is, you aren't missing anything), and moved to Austin in January of 2004. This city is my life. I love everything (and everyone) it has to offer and I feel as though I've grown into a more well-rounded and open-minded individual. But, whenever there's a cheap chance to be spontaneous and create ever lasting stories, I take it. I've been on many out-of-state road trips, and everyone of them has memories that I'll never forget.. this is the time of my life to grab it by the nuts and milk it for what it's worth (no pun intended).I must say that this city has welcomed this little gay guy with open arms and everyone I meet loves me for who I am, who could ask for more? I pride myself on being real and uninhibited. I have no problem pinching a nipple when I'm excited to see someone, shut up, ya'll love it!! LOL!! I say what's on my mind and I never hold back. I'm honest, trustworthy, and fun-loving. I'll do anything for my friends (like drop everything and help my friend move to Kentucky because I didn't want him to drive by himself, or fly to Vegas to help my friend Alex drive a full-length UHAUL while pulling an SUV back. Tough, but so much fun!)As for the grind: I work at a plastic surgery hospital as a Pharmacy Tech and go to Texas State full-time. My major is Marketing and I will be getting into Pharmaceutical Sales when I graduate. Yes, a Drug Rep... sounds like the perfect job for me. No office, drive around all day in a luxury company vehicle and talk with doctors. Fuck the money, I don't care all that much. I want a cute old house with hardwood floors, a wrap-around balacony, and a garden. That's all it takes to make me happy. I'm gonna travel with the rest, afterall.. there's no REAL point in life if you think about it, so traveling and expanding your mind is what life means to me.

My Interests

Running, being outdoors, being spontaneous (and my 'about me' proves that), I LOVE driving (in fact, global warming is probably my fault), coffee coffee coffee (chai tea too), Marijuana (shh), live music.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone. I'm very personable and happy and if you're the same, we'll make great friends. I finished with people that are unhappy and try to bring you down with them, kinda fucked up if you think about it. I love coffee, music, dancing, running, driving, swimming, eating, and............ occasionally drinking and smokin if you know what I mean ;) Hit me up, I'm here.


Modest Mouse, She Wants Revenge, Postal Service, Hard-Fi, Hot Chip, M.I.A, The Shins, Sia, Silversun Pickup, Maximo Park, The Polyphonic Spree, OKGO, Phoenix, Ani DeFranco, The Arcade Fire, Artic Monkeys, The Beatles, ZZTop, Blue October, Bob Schneider, The Bravery, CAKE, Imogen Heap, The Killers, Mellowdrone, Maria Mena, Nickel Creek, Nine Inch Nails, Portishead, Queen, Rage Against the Machine, Radiohead, Rascal Flatts, Scissor Sisters, SUBLIME!, The Who, The Wreckers, Eleven Finger Charlie (LOCAL BAND THAT'S AWESOME!)


Vanilla Sky, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, 28 Days, Pulp Fiction, American Beauty, American History X, Donnie Darko, Crash, V for Vendetta, The Devil and Daniel Johnston (AWESOME LOCAL-ish Documentary!), there's more but I can't remember for reasons unannounced hehe ;)


Lance Armstrong is a rude arrogant prick, so not him.