NIKLAS HEGFALK. profile picture


and you will miss me, only when I am no more

About Me

The Swedish Music magazine GROOVE wrote 24/10 -07:
"Med spöklikt klingade toner och dovt vibrerande sångröst letar sig singer/songwritern Niklas Hegfalk från Malmö in i minsta vrå av medvetandet. Lite countryvibb, lite americana och mycket längtan som kastar långa skuggor över människans belägenhet. Ruggigt bra." //GROOVE.
Im doing a guest post on the ederBlog Independent Music Discoveries.
read it from this link: ml
On this friday, togheter with my band I will appear on swedish tv.
We will guest the program "Skåne Direkt", preforming 2 songs live in the studio and give an interview.
7/10 - 07
On wendsday the 10/10 21.00, Niklas Hegfalk will appear on the "Indiehour" at Radioactive 103.9. The show will feature 3 tracks from new the album "At One With The Tide" and also including an Interview with Niklas.You can litsen to the show from this link:
22/9 - 07
On The 22/9 I will be aired on swedish radio, P4 Country.

1.You can listen to the show from this link: rogramID=2750
2.and the you go on through here: Country med Kalle Oldby

lördag 22 september 2007 21:03
9/9 - 07

My Album "At One With The Tide" is now available from www.demobutiken.seclick on the link below to get there:
6/9 -07

I ve uploaded a video for; A Dull Delight.Come have a watch all you lovers pirates and lovers.

You find it here under videos, on my homepage or on youtube:

thank you, christoph.

// niklas
1/9 - 07

At last, the recording of my new songs are done. The new tracks are now beeing pollished and the new homepage will soon be up.Its been a odd time strange things have happend,my heads been fucked, too much work, too much noise, too many things in need being taken care of. Too many early morinings, too many late nights, too many drinks , too many buttoms, head being fucked again, eyes getting red, too many withdrawings (Im sorry my dear for beeing such a waste sometimes). But its been great working with it and im greatful for all the help I got from my friends helping me out with the recording, or for putting their hearts and souls into my music. Thanks, Emil Emma, Andreas Peter, Beatrice, Petter, Erik & Johnathan. I think im gonna name the album to,

"At One With The Tide"

including the tracks :

1. Carelesslove

2. Stay

3. Bodies

4. A Dull Delight

5. If I Dont Blackout

6. Missleading Eyes

7.Who We Used To Be

8. May You Be The Drug (That Eases My Despair)

These are the songs that has been recorded, hopefully all the songs will appear on the album.

// Niklas

"At One Withe The Tide" is the name of the new recording from Niklas Hegfalk. It is an eight-track demo recorded during spring 2007 in Malmö city, released in August 2007Niklas Hegfalk started out as the bassplayer in the rockband "Peaky Town Parade" in his hometown Värnamo at the age of 15. The band had many liveperformances, including one on national television. Later on, he formed his next band "Hotel Dominique", in which he was the leadsinger and guitarist. He has also been playing with artists such as Niklas Lindkvist and others.

In autumn 2004 at the age of 19, Niklas Hegfalk began his soloproject, of which he has released three recordings with. The latest one "At One With The Tide" is recorded and mixed by himself (except drums, recorded and mixed by Peter Samuelsson from the swedish band Camion Mile and Egon and The Familybiz), and mastered by Eric Nylén (producer and gutarist from swedish-danish band Lampshade).

Musicians on the recording are: Niklas Hegfalk on vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, bass, piano. Emil Jönsson (BofW) on electric guitar. Beatrice Eriksson (Marla Sings) on additional vocals, harmonica. Emma Nordeborn on violin. and Andreas W Andersson (Pludge) on drums.I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
A Dull Delight - Niklas Hegfalk

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My Interests


Member Since: 3/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Niklas Hegfalk: Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar & Piano.

Beatrice Eriksson: Vocals & Harmonica.

Emma Nordeborn: Violin & Backup Vocals.

Petter Wennblom: Bass.

Emil Jönsson: Electric Guitar/ Slide & Backup Vocals.

Andreas W. Andersson: Drums.

Influences: neil young
micah p hinson
bob dylan
oscar wilde
bright eyes
will oldham
nick cave
damien jurado
the late cord
sixteen horsepower
jason molina
leonard cohen
velvet underground
arab strap
nick drake
elliot smith
the blackheart procession
small faces
red house painters
woven hand
chris lucey
kristofer Åström
tom waits
sex pistols
mecury rev
buffalo springfield
christian kjellvander
graham coxon
Nicolai dunger
Bonnie Prince Billy
Ryan Adams
the clash
townes van zandt
magnolia electric co
ed harcourt

Type of Label: None

My Blog

On the radio Wednesday the 10/10

7/10 - 07 On Wednesday the 10/10 21.00, Niklas Hegfalk will appear on the "Indiehour" at Radioactive 103.9. The show will feature 3 tracks from new the album "At One With The Tide" and also including...
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:06:00 PST

Niklas Hegfalk On Swedish Radio P4, The Country Hour

hello.On The 22/9 I will be aired on swedish radio, P4 Country.1.You can listen to the show from this link: asp?programID=27502.and the you go on ...
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 07:52:00 PST

My Album "At One With The Tide" is now available from

My Album "At One With The Tide" is now available from www.demobutiken.seclick on the link below to get there:
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:55:00 PST

Video For " A Dull Delight", available now.

I ve uploaded a video for; A Dull Delight.Come have a watch all you lovers pirates and friends.You find it here under videos, on my homepage www.niklashegfalk.comor on youtube:
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 04:12:00 PST

At One With The Tide

At last, the recording of my new songs are done. The new tracks are now beeing pollished and the new homepage will soon be up. Its been a odd time strange things have happend,my  heads been fucke...
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:08:00 PST

somna här.

      hemlösa katter är rekvesita ikväll när vi går hem till mig igen jag hyrde in dem från närmsta cirkus för dig dom gulnande löven jag har färglagt dem alla med den dyraste färgen ...
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:49:00 PST

en avhandling, 05/06.

Malmö 05/06 :   Sprit är en billig medicin. För allt vi deladeför allt vi älskadeför tiden som gåttSlår jag mitt huvudi väggenPunkterar minsjälmed hammare och spikkrossarmin spegelRistar in ...
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Wed, 03 May 2006 04:33:00 PST

det sista dygnet.......

    Det sista dygnet.     Sitter bakis på balkongen och umgas med en John silver. Staller en massa fragor men jag får inga svar, sa jag fimpar honom, tänder en ny och försöker...
Posted by NIKLAS HEGFALK. on Wed, 03 May 2006 04:18:00 PST