You can buy my cd by just clicking on the paypal button next to the cover you like most. If you prefer downloading songs from iTunes, just click on the iTunes icon.
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If you don't want to buy the entire cd, you can download any song for just a few cents on Amie Street
These people have sung on the song Hangover: francine , Flower Man , Comfusionada , Brendan Losch , Clinton Charlton , the WCTOIOSAABWSBGHWYGCWIAB Band , and george, cariño 's dog is barking at the end of the song. Thank you all so much!A big thanks to mangatutorials , jelene , Sabrina , Uschi , James , buggen , Emily , kat , Froken , Danielle , (b)ananartista , shawna , Nuria , Cristina , Esther , Julia , Ken , Wasin , Monika , Cinzia , Silvia , Tamara , Kim , Heather , Eigil , John , Luise , Sari , Jules , Duddu , Piperita , Elodie and Ella for the drawings. The monkey picture is by Sharon . The pin's are by ku-ki shop and kittycrossbones18 designs . You should also go check out Karli's music page , I played guitar on a song of hers.Anyone interested in improving my page should just draw me or knit a representation of me! I'll get the links up faster than you can blink your eyes and start yelling at your dog to quit eating off the table!Special penguin birthday
..The red penguin interviews in Chicago
.. Other links to A boy with glasses: